
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

52- Luthor triumphant screenplay

This is Hanno, naked Angelina.  I believe Brad Pitt is in prison.  I believe there is more than a single Brad Pitt, and I believe the younger Brad Pitt is in prison.  You were married to him.  I believe Quentin Tarantino can get him out.  Come meet me with naked Monica Bellucci.  Come by plane to Montreal and meet me by limo.  Just make sure the limo doesn't have a cell phone attached to it, attached to the dashboard for instance, and make sure the driver doesn't speed.

Note from Batman: Batman honestly believes all cell-phones have a nanotechnological flesh-eating disease inside them, air-transmitable.

Lex Luthor: What's going on with me? I – don't – know. I – just – don't – fuc – friggin' – know. My mind is a pure blank.. it is just as if my mind is a reading impairment incarnate.. invisible ink is the only ink i/ I know.. the decay that grows from my strength.. from my wilting strength.. this decay is Wonder Woman.. she is keeping me in a prison.. keepin' me.. she is a jailer .. she is evil incarnate.. she is so possessed by braniac circuitry, braniac demoncircuitry that there is no sense of knowledge of where the circuitry ends and her fleshbody begins.. Does Wonder Woman, as braniac incarnate, run all the torture prisons?.. there is a Baudelaire poem about her.. the strength which feeds her decay.. her decaystrength grows from her decay.. Lady Macbeth.. Wonder Woman is the historical Lady Macbeth, the Shakespearian Lady Macbeth.. she decapitated Medusa but did they decapitate Lady Macbeth at the end of 'Macbeth'?.... Does Wonder Woman earnestly believe she herself needs a good decapitation?.. the prison system infrastructure decapitating Wonder Woman?... she wants to send teenagers to prison for God's sake.. she is the Medusa stare changing her own naked soul to stone.. stoned.. I've read all the Wonder Woman comics.. I know everything about the woman who is going to play her in a movie.. i know about her medusa vulnerability... but the article doesn't say Wonder Woman felt vulnerable when she was naked for a photoshoot because a woman was yelling at her while megan was naked, a woman was yelling at naked megan for answering a cell phone, and that was why megan felt vulnerable being naked, and she said, she was 'glad it was over' about the woman yelling at her, she was glad the woman keeping on yelling at her was finally over while megan was naked, they photoshopped her pregnancy, she said she liked saying her belly was Jerusalem, her religion was in her belly, so they said she was pregnant, and she said she'd like someday to be pregnant, so they photoshopped her as pregnant, but she was naked and megan was naked and smiling radiantly on the cover.. another thing.. clothed women were most likely laughing at megan while she was naked, posing naked, and that made her feel vulnerable, and the clothed women laughing and sniggering at her naked body was what she was glad was over... it's why she just, why megan just, doesn't like being naked around women, megan only likes being naked around men.. maybe when the clothed women were laughing at megan while she was naked megan was crying..

naked Lois Verhoensky Lane: You just.. you just.. know all this.. you know.. everything..

Lex Luthor: There is a shadow reality.. which has microbial laughter all like pitch burning coal microbial encroaching horror comes at us.. it is the mocking laughter spoken of in Dostoevsky's “The Possessed” a novel about the start of feminism, in which the characters of Petya Verhoensky and Nicole Stavrogin were changed from women into men.. just about all the characters were changed from Dostoevksy's original novel from women into men.. and then, when it happenned, he may have rewritten some sections of the novel to accomadate this drastic change to render the novel a touchstone for male generations.. What is a male Peter Verhoensky?.. a charming fellow.. not the sinister demonstone of Petya or Patricia Verhoensky.. there may have been a decent, amiable historical Peter Verhoensky who may have been a friend of Fyoder's..

naked Lois Verhoensky Lane: I learned everything I learned about journalism from Peter Verhoensky.. i learned all my decency of journalism from him..

Lex Luthor: I don't doubt it, Los, Lois. Lois, Los,.. los lane.. los was a shadow being in Blake.. a shadow who worked reality.. who put his the flint to the blackrock.. a grinder.. grinding industrialism..

naked Lois Verhoensky Lane: my stomach is grinding industrialism..

Lex Luthor: Nicole Kidman probably feels herself a nicole stavrogin.. although she could never, ever be her in a movie.. there was a horrific pedophilic paragraph statement falsely, completely falsely attribued to her in a magazine interview.. she never said it.. it never happenned.. nude nicole kidman: - weeping – neeveer.. eeveer .. eeverr.. Lex Luthor: Hollywood is history. The history of the planet is the history of Hollywood.. does media news media emanate from Hollywood?... all the horror-fiction of news-media.. all the inveterate fake news of mainstream news media..

naked Lois Verhoensky lane: .. a i am a fiery embryo.. i am a fiery embryo.. i am a shadow being who works reality. I am naked loisworld.. i am a world of naked nude lois's..

Lex Luthor: .. i have been crushed... CRUSHED.. by industrialism.. by the industrialism of pedophilia.. it is what rules the planet.. it is what makes the laws.. it is what makes the prisons..

naked Lois Verhoensky lane: .. and Wonder Woman.. poor naked wonder woman.. does all this?

Lex Luthor: .. she is the naked queen in chess. She is both naked queens.. nude wonder woman: my nude breasts.. my two nude breasts.. my two nude queenbreasts... Lex Luthor: .. how can one woman .. one woman.. live like this.. how can every value she has.. be turned and reversed upside-down.. how can all her introspection be gouged into a knive-work of umbrellas.. of cruelly sheltering umbrellas..

naked Lois Verhoensky lane: .. crying .. she only wants to be a naked mother.. a naked earth-goddess..

Lex Luthor: .. when they invented the myth of the food web.. using video media.. holograms.. and time-portals.. dimensional portals.. they inverted and gouged out the introspection of naked mother earth.. they inverted the insides of naked Wonder Woman.. the first naked earth nude goddess...making her via the mythified food web into an inveterate predator... naked wonder woman betrayed her naked mother to hell to a food web hell.. naked wonder woman rendered her naked mother food for the predators by a machine coin flip... an industrial presses coin transferal switch.. a witch switch.. a witch decided that naked wonder woman had sent her naked mother to hell to be food for the animals.. an electric witch.. an electric switchboard.. nude rogue..

Hanno Raudsepp Society Lex: Lex, take the meds, take the meds, they'll help you sleep.. just about immediately.. take all the schizophrenic meds regularly each night.. take them only for a few months.. and as soon as the nightmare phases begin again while your on the meds, differently, more mild nighmare phases, nightmare phases which can be effectively dissipated by active vocal conversation with other people and brisk walks with other people, but when those uniquely more mild nightmare phases begin again while your on the meds,, stop taking them.. when you stop taking the meds, your mind will go through a quantum leap of effluviance, and the nightmare phases will die down... but for now, take all the numerous schizophrenic meds for your present-day unendurable nightmare phases.. the duchess of dragoon may be the first person to talk to you.. and then cheery, naked poison ivy will start talking to you about what a good person you are..  Also, Tom Hanks is Hitler.. Tom Hanks is the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler.. you'll see how it all makes sense..

Hanno Raudsepp Society Lex:  .. naked Megan Gale.. read the Circe chapter of James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.  It is the chapter which is exclusively dialogue.  It is all about Leopold Bloom's hallucinations.  Just call Leopold Bloom Megan Bloom.

Havok: Rogue can only kill. It's all she knows. She's going to kill me.

Lex: I don't know how to prevent it.

Havok: Neither do I. Her need is a biblical flood, her emotion. She is pure emotion, pure unadulterated emotion, it is her momentum when catapulting herself through the air.

Lex: I'm only a mere mortal with no superpowers. I can't fight this.

Havok: The only thing she can't fight are cell-phones. She needs them with her, with all the biblical flood emotion power of this need. They are her other love, me and cell-phones. But she thinks the two can co-exist and they can't, and she'll destroy me and the planet and her son in the process. Her mind is a dialectical opposition of nucleur fission.

Lex: I tried to get her drunk but her superpowers render her immune to alcohol and its otherwise sleepifying effects. She doesn't need sleep. She needs you.. and me.. and cell phones.. but not sleep.

Havok: We can't fight a biblical flood. We're only men.

Bruce felt no autmuns in mornings cast in the monring of Gotham harbour in the night of gleans emmessage of the idea of night ngamles mlaent of then night of nighteningales ideation into the nightingales of hanno this is may midnight cast of hanno if i can work with you maybe we see this is the night of you are my friend forever of the night of wait here it is you are me i am you we can work toeghether and i can this is the righteousness of life we can wait okay dobay we are the it is okay right lie likeseee we can this is mr j either int the ienose dhtei oekay doliektheisowneishetish ioens eithsoeksay tisoneid athe theisoa tinsidoe the soaisneidhe aidoiaje we are then enver the saynme in the same ytheiaokaey is nthe name of the same oenf the oehtinsoekahy the aokeay the oakay the name of eht emaokay tme we ar finneagan os if the way of the agye in the sma eo fht eit is finished for the moement..
Note from Batman: Batman honestly believes all cell-phones have a nanotechnological flesh-eating disease inside them, air-transmitable.

.. naked Wonder Woman: Hi, I'm naked Diana and I'm a survivor of flesh-eating disease, courtesy of cell-phone nanotechnology. I've died many times, horribly more than the last, and I can survive, barely, flesh-eating disease, but ordinary mortals won't survive it once. Okay, the cell-phone nanontechnology is a Y2K paradigm- flesh-eating disease is the real Y2K, designed to go off at a certain instant ,not sure exactly when, but sooner rather than later. It's too close to being past the margins of the start of the milleneum. So, the organic chemistry of felsh flesh-eating nanotech.. It's an electronic switch which is the coin electronic spin, the coin nucleur spin, the coin magnetic moment etcetera ad nauseum, all coupled, like my nude breasts, if they're still there, like my nude breasts are coupled in magnetic moments.. We are presently going through a nucleur relaxation time, a false lull before the flesh-eating storm, Bbrrriiinnngg! Hello, ahhh! Just kidding, but not for long. The next briinngg could be fatal. Relaxation is open to free radicals, like wittle me. All cell-phones have magnetic fields,.. The key is magnetism,.. magnetism manipulates the ferrous compound at the centre of the nanotech flesh-eating hemoglobin molecule, synthesized molecule, meant to replace the hemoglobin in our blood... So.. invisible zinc and invisible copper are the electrodes at the dimensions of the cell-phone. The cell-phone attaches, leeches, if you will, the potassium K+ and sodium Na 2+ in the cellular membrane of our neurons. There is a flesh-eating neutralization titration which involves chemical reactions of sodium carbonate, sodium hydrogen carbonate, sodium hydroxide in the ion brain-pumps of our neurons.. Colours, colours and colours.. bromocresol green.. blue-green algea.. sky-blue aliquot... enough colours for now.. it all happens as fast as quicksilver, or quickmercury, or quickiodine.. Choride and mercury... chlorine, geez.. - crying – have to stop for now...

.. the lit rush of a scroll, described in the Gutenberg Galaxy by Marshall McCluhan is the same phenomenon as the lit rush against a movie screen, which produces air-transmittable electric positive ions which tranquilly neutralize the flesh-eating effect of nanotech cell-phones.. it is a science so old, it may hearken back to the egyptians, to the priest-scholar Hermes, this mystical lit-rush ion effect, like mineral water or noni juice, which simply cancels out the flesh-eating nanotechnology. The Egyptian book of the dead may have anticipated flesh-eating nanotech along with Dante's inferno. I don't understand the science of lit rushes too well but hopefully I'll be able to read some medieval documents soon to get a jist of it. Movie screens are hieroglyphs thru which lights a lit rush- movie screens hearken back to ancient egypt and medieval scrolls... more later..

The Joker: ... the night is casting my simple existance in mornings in my naked body is the devil is the devil in screwtape in the fucking every single idea in the morning of .... okay... the Maxwell Lord got the OMAC armour from the High Evolutionary armour... The High Evolutionary gave Max Lord his armour tech for his Omacs... Maxwell Lord just wasn't able to invent the Omac armour technology himself.... it was too evolutionary... .... okay yokay... on to cell-phone nanotechnology... thiosulphate... hydronium ions are key to everything.. then ther's hydrochloric acid.. hydroxide ions.. ther's carbonic acid and sodium chloride... colours colours and colours.. bromocresol green.. bromothymol blue.. naked Diana:.. my naked thighmol  my naked body screams thymol thiol at cell phones scream... Joker: .. methyl orange... methyl red... all the colours of my dandy decor... what else.. nitro, azo akyl, atroxy, azoxy... the Riddler: pha... ptha.. phalate... phalanine.. phat ltle.. mere phattle.. the Joker: pirate pyridine.. weak dibasic acid and its salts.. nude Diana: you love your acids.. i like that about you.. maybe we can melt these cell-phones with enough acids if we have enough variety of acids to do the job before these cell-phones melt us.. i don't want my vagina to melt.. the joker: .. neither do i .. okay.. dobay.. nitrogen-ammonia are a Two-face coupled reaction.. nitrogen is one face and ammonia is another... ahh.. maleic acid.. maleate.. oxalic acid.. oxalate.. Two-face has a differing or second disassociation constant.. naked mrs. Freeze a autoprotolysis constant... Nazi sodium.. Na 2# sodium.. Na 2+ sodium... hydrogen carbonate... K + not K2 rather K+ potassium hydrogen phalate.... saturated cyclic amines such as naked piperidine.. mike phenol.. mike phenol pthalein.. does your mutter no yor mike.. mr j: amphiprotic amino acids.. aliphatic amines... ammonium salts.. hydronium ions.. sodium Na 2+ hydroxide .. potassium K + hydroxide.. barium hydroxide.. we'll beat this flesh eating nanotech virus ..

Lex Luthor: A phone. It all began with a phone. I blame Bell. It tried to melt my hand. Bell's fault. How was I going to get out of this. I would have to do all my corporate channels of.. of... the circuitry of the phone was in my hand, encorporated in my hand. Wonder Woman explained how it had happenned to her, except in her case it had been her whole naked body. Her naked body had been demonically possessed by a phone. She said, as a successful CEO of Starlabs, she would have to utilized all the scientific resources at her disposal to disextricate the scientology circuitry from her naked body.. she insists I repeat her naked body for the project to work.. the project she is beginning from the ground up.. a project involving circuitry and Amazonian armour.. an Amazomac project she cheerfully, bravely tells me.. I WANT TO LIVE .. she says.. I .. WANT.. TO.. LIVE.. I'll help her with my flesh and blood.. she needs it .. her flesh and blood is turning into milk and honey.. all because of that damn phone.. she has found her Canaan and I need to desperately get her out back to EGYPT!!>>????... Diana: EYPpty.. EGYPT!! nOOooo... no more seven or twelve plagues of egypt for me.. nosirreebob.. my nude body can't handle being inflected infected with all those deadly plagues.. I'm no Ishtar.. Lex: We'll work on it.. Diana.. we'll work on it.. you.. you always sign autographs for teenagers, right?.. Diana: .. always.. ALWAYS>>... ALAWAYS>..... Lex: Okay, let's start with that.. its a good place.. teenagers ... lots and lots of teenagers.. attack of the killer tomatoes.. teenagers will help us.. Diana: Both of us, I presume you mean... Lex: Yes, yes, both of us, both of us are safe... from debt.. we never no owe nothin' ta teenagers.. Diana: I like that about them.. a I really do.. Lex: Smells like teen spirit.. Diana: ...oooohhh... salty.... Lex: .. the salt of the earth.. our teenage soldiers of the tomorrow party.. Diana:.. tomooorrrooow.. tomooorrroow... i love ya tomorrow.. Lex: stop it.. Diana: .. yes sir!.... Lex: .. okay.. we make good .. we've got to get this circuitry out of you.. my hand can wait.. Diana: .. funny spot to put a fingee... Lex: my hand can melt into your.. whatever.. we'll melt together into infinity.. Diana: mmm .. ice cream.. Lex: the white queen can wait... Diana: .. she's naked like that..

Michael Rosenbaum, read Endgame by Samuel Bekket/Becket, who was the basis for the Riddler
 A message I had from my future self was 'Michael Rosenbaum comes through'.  It was supposed to be the most important message I would ever get.
By the way, Michael Rosenbaum, be careful about, or outright avoid, white lambourginies, which may be based on white sharks.  I think an aspect of the message "..michael Rosenbaum comes through' might be the getting through a dependence/need on/of white lamborginies.
Michael Rosenbaum, call naked Savannah Samson.  Bring her with you... she's naked rogue/naked Rogue...
Just to be safe, make sure neither of you brings a cell-phone, which may be traceable by cell-phone tracking technology and enable other people to follow you.  Make sure there's no cell-phone in her handbag or lying around the car, in the glove compartment or door pockets or in the trunk, places where even someone else may have left it, unbeknownst to you.

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