
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

URGENT message from hanno about Scarlett Johannson

This is Hanno.  My email is

This is a message from Hanno Raudsepp, using the identity of Batman:  There's been an epidemic of women shooting females in the privates in Hollywood, females like celebrities, producers, extras.  Scarlett Johannson may be in great danger. Ask her if she's okay. It's important that doctors from the show "E.R", who I believe are real doctors, especially Eriq la Salle, and Donald Sutherland, of the TV movie "Bethune", who probably knows a lot about Chinese medicine, are involved in treating them.  Chinese medicine, I'm not certain, but I believe involves medicinal colour-schemes, and I know Chinese medicine involves a rigid sense of precision.  Definitely call Anthony Edwards and Noah Whyle as well.  The other doctor/actors from "E.R" will know there own areas of specialty. George Cloony might know something about using an oxygen-tank to de-alcoholise the blood, as the victimized women will naturally and logically and healthily have been drinking alcohol to numb the pain.  Julianna Margolis might be able to use prodigious diplomatic skills to negotiate through the hospital beaurocracy. There was something that had to do with, I believe, de-alcoholizing the blood with a device involving, sorry, oxygen, on the first episode of "E.R".  Noah Whylie may know much about biofeedback, a fairly simple method of monitoring I'm not sure, the pulse, circulation, through a feedback signal monitoring device.  Maybe Thomas Gibson alone on "Chicago Hope" would qualify as an excellent doctor.  Peter Berg might be good at getting through hospital red tape.  And Mandi Patinkan and Christine Lahti might have studied more esoteric forms of medicine.  And that the victimized women assist at their own surgery.  It's important that the "E.R" doctors choose the hospital at which the victimized women are operated on, because some hospitals may be partially mob-run, although those same partially mob-run hospitals will have legitimate agencies working for them as well, which will allow for restaurant food to be brought in for the afflicted women.  It is important that, if the victimized women are left in seclusion, that bodyguards of the ilk of Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Shwarzenegger and Daniel Day Lewis be guarding the doors, or that the victimized women, if they wish, be in a crowded hospital room, where they can be protected by the fans for whom they sign autographs.  Glubb Pasha fans unite!


Miso soup, the kind with spinach and little square tofus in them, would be good for the victimized women to drink while in the hospital.  And also maybe herbal tea, like earl grey tea.  Not peppermint tea though.  That gives a stomach ache aka heartburn.  Also, take the tea bag out of earl grey tea fairly quickly to avoid a stomach ache. "Tums" is an ideal pill- take two- for a stomach ache.  The complete relieving effects are instantaneous.


The male doctor who came after Eriq La Salle and Laura Innes in the "and" area of the credit sequence of "E.R", I forget his name, I believe is extremely, extremely important. 


Most likely there are innocent women who are shooters in Hollywood who shoot blindly but may cause grevious damage to women like Kate Moss.  Women shooters who are extremely remorseful.  Call Obama to get Kipland Kinkel out of prison so Kipland can work as a social therapist for these women, a personal therapist who's been there.  This could stop further blind shootings.  Not the deliberate one's in which horrible women shoot deliberately into the privates of female, but the blind ones which are committed by women with no free will.


Call Travis Stork from "The Bachelor".  And Andy, the most popular bachelor.  And any other bachelor whose been a doctor.  But especially Travis Stork.  I believe he's a hellraiser.


Maybe some of Johnny Depp's former bouncers at the nightclub he used to own could also be employed as bodyguards for the women and for the rooms they're in.


Call Michael Sabatino as an uber-resourcefull bodyguard.  He's a big, tall guy, very tall.  I've imagined him as Mr. Fantastic for a long, long time.   Also call Matthew Fox and Josh Holloway- aka John Constantine- as bodyguards.  Make sure teeny Evangiline Lilly is okay.


Megan Gale and Daryll Hannah may be in great danger.


Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield may be in great danger.  As well as Kate Moss.  Make sure they're out of Hollywood.  A safe place should be an eskimo reservation.  Tiffany Fallon as well.  Heath Ledger left me a one word message- "eskimo".  I couldn't get this message in its complete state on my webpage.

Batman:  There was a heroic young black doctor on a pivotal episode of "E.R." who was devoted to saying the life of a preemie, a prematurely born baby.  I believe the doctor/actor who played the devil's advocate "doctor" on that episode is equally important as the black doctor/actor in reality to saving the lives of preemies.  I believe the actor who played the devils advocate doctor character on that episode might have spent the rest of his life studying how to rescue preemies, prematurely born babies, to make up for his role in that episode.

 Batman:  Batman believes in the VIA rail.

Batman:  Is John Travolta a qualified pilot?  Or Tom Cruise for that matter?  Or Ryan Reynolds?  Pilots who are Gulf War veterans are most likely veterans who were former POW's and were abused/tortured and "programmed".  The fact that some of them were prosecuted when they came home for missing child support payments while they were prisoners in Iraq may have also been a part of their programming.

Batman: Hmh.  Another message I can't get on to my webpage completely.  Batman believes Kipland Kinkel is the reincarnation of Douglas MacArthur.  He is Kipland Kinkel MacArthur.  Both were obsessed with China.  Douglas MacArthur was trying to manipulate the Korean War into an American war against China.  Probably with good reason.

Batman:  CALL MICHAEL TARSHI- sorry for the capitalizations- he'll be able to figure out the potential hospital-police labyrinth

Batman:  The cops are using cell-phones to track me.  I'll never escape them as long as I carry a cell phone.   The cell-phone tracking technology is most likely built into the police cars.  They can geographically track the exact location of anyone carrying a cell-phone or in a limousine, which usually has a built-in cell-phone.  It's most likely a satellite-managed satellite-coordinating and targeting technology. A pay phone at Wendy's is a good place to call from.  Thank God Bell isn't the only company doing pay phones any more.

Batman:  There is an active VIA rail in Canada which goes to small towns.  One can take a cab from the small towns to other nearby towns.

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