
Saturday, February 7, 2015

Enron Planetary domination

Batman: Athena Rolando was stalking the woman Athena who runs Enron.. a woman who honestly believes she is the goddess Athena.. Athena Rolando barely escapes alive..

Bruce Wayne: Enron higher-ups will never go to prison, never be arrested.. it can't happen.. they are norse and greek gods and goddesses.. who is the psychopathic Sif of Enron?...

Batman: The mythical Enron higher-ups hire the Enron prosecuters to prosecute the enron low and middle mostly low-management.. who are entirely innocent .. at least of nothing but risk ventures.. they do it because some of their intensely mythical murderous criminal activity was getting a pit too public and they needed to clear the deadwood.. it's like.. they would never have gone to jail.. the higher-ups.. but they just .. some of their projects may have been in jeapourdy... jepordy.. ah... call Alex Trebeck.. so to protect their projects they had to pretend there was an enron shakepu shaik shakira shaq or niell.. enron shakefup shakefuckup.. enron shakeup.. it's complex.. maybe diriviteives are involved because their always complex and hard to spell.. all of the above is the highly secretively disclosed plot of the Alana de La Garza Wonder Woman movie series... it's just .. the movies hit so close too home.. their so abstruse and oblique.. in their optics of plot in how they reveal what was going on truly with enron.. that the truth when it is revealed in the news is way, way out there.. maybe the movies begin with Canada and Argus and Power and slowly, slow burn-like, slow-burnedly make their way into the gigantic megalith of apocalips acoacoalips .. enron.. enron is apocalips.. Darkseid may be involved but he may be low level striving with almighty strength because he is Prometheus to make it to the top where the titans can once again rule.. the new gods are dead.. the old gods want whats left.. whatever that means...

Bruce Wayne: So who is the apocaliptian naked Athena who secretively and murderously runs Enron...

Bruce Wayne: Loki is a Silicon Valley teckie.. there are so many Loki's in Silicon valley.. the builders of tools .. the grossly underpaid builders of tools which they give to the upper-crust ungrateful norse gods... tekwar, anyone?

Batman: Set.. what about Set.. he is silent.. he speaks in silent hums..

Bruce Wayne: naked Daniella Amavia.. maybe she knows Set.. naked Daniella Amavia is the movie Athena.. hee hee just the movie Athena just the movie Athena.. but she is possessed by the real Athena.. she channels her when she plays the role.. she channels the female head of Enro- arrrgghhh.. no wait.. wait... wait.. okay.. when she the more plays Athena she the more ve becomes Athena until she is the head of Enron... she works her way up.. like an honest Amazon.. naked daniella Amazia goes through the channels.. she goes through the Scarlet Zen corporate ladder.. she knows .. she knows the demonic possession corporate channels... gods especially Athena are demons to her.. so she plays the part..

Batman: Someday.. someday.. her day will come.. someday naked female naked Daniella Amavia will become the naked Athena head of Enron simply by channelling arrrggh her.. i mean by being her self-invention playing the role in Wonder Woman.. self-reinvention ergo method acting..

Enron is central to the plot of Gotham.. enron is capitol hil... I'm just a bill.. just a bill juss a bill ..The overarching skyscrapers of Enron arch over the plot of Gotham.. everything Enron is Gotham...Look to the skies.. Enron is the skies.. the comets of fire coming from apocalips is Enron skies... at the silent beginning of the movie.. fiery embryos from the skies.. like supergirls from space.. naked supergirl is the orginal fiery embryo.. fiery embers of courage.. supergirl plummets from space in gotham.. she looks around.. where is she .. in gotham... in desert dusk wastes of gotham.. is supergirl the international head of enron.. plummetting on top of a mountain cliff.. a glass cliff of krypton.. glass cliffs of krypton can be a movie.. the fire of dazzler.. is dzzler dazzler a chief of enron.. a cia chieften of enron.. is enron cia.. is naked alison dazzler a cia chiefton of enron.. razzle dazzle.. ra's dazzler.. ra's mad hatter nude dazzler... mad hatter knows dentistry of enron... maybe hillary swank can someday play a female made hatter.. yippee... i'm mad as a hatter of enron.. ra's does enron environmentalizm.. razzle dzzle enrionrmentaliszm.. environs of ra's garden.. a garden of apocalips... enrion environs of environmentalixm....

ra's does a likening for the running multiple fractal corporations.. he does fractal corporate ice.. ice, ice, babeee.... ra's does faarrr-oouutt.. corporate fractals.. international corporate fractals.. coptic gestureable corporate fractal gestures.. he is a corporate magnate of environmentalism.. he runs the world.. h e is the master of the world.. he is hitle.. he is hitle.. he is hitle.. he is hittite... he is hitele he is hitelre.. he is hitle he it he is hti he is hitle . He is hitler.. he is hitle . .. he is hitle he iss hitler he is hitelr he is hite he is hitler .. ahh.. was hitler the first environemtnalismt.. was his .. was hiss.. was hitler... was alger hiss.. was hitler the first environmentalist...

Bruce Wayne quotes

Enron is capital. Enron is marx. Marxist languidoiliy.. languid oil.. olive oil.. popeye.. popeye in the dusk.. marx languidoily.. was popeye marx?.. the first sailor?..

enron is the capitalism of today.. we need it.. direly.. desperately.. the dusk nights of enron are our proud man's contumerly.. tums for the aspiran is a contumely.. con- tum – tum.. do they drink tums at enron?.. like prozac?..

the winsome ways of fulvia.. annoyin's thing is.. when the warsone ways of her corpoate hair.. is donesay like .. the coaculate hair of night.. like a sewer .. like a sewer hair.. yessith.

bruce wayne: maybe.. we don't dn know dublin.. din din drunken dublin.. i need to get drunk more to do my job.. feel the sparkles of money digits.. feel the sparkles of drunkenness..

Bruce Wayne: I am the devil. Plaen und simple. The business is a devil's wilderness and i am king of hell. Business is hell. We are all in hell. I – am – Lestat.

Jason Blood: Then i am Louise.

Bruce Wayne: From the Devil's Disciple.

Jason Blood: No.

Bruce Wayne: No, wait. From the Doctor's Dillemma.

Jason: Noooo.

Bruce Wayne: No wait from Katherine Hepburn's Me.

Jason: NO!

Bruce Wayne: Easy there.

Jason: Are you always like this?

Bruce: Yeah, I'm always – like this.

Jason: It's like – i'm always on the wrong dial.

Bruce: I'll call my subordinate. He aptly calls himself in jest, in joking jest, the clock-king.

Jonothon Pierce as the clock king arrives

The Clock king: Ah, right on time.

Bruce: He appreciates it.

Jason: Yeth, indeed.

The Clock King: Time, a conundrum for the ages, for Ultron's age. A cold war time.. eternity in an hourglass.. eternity in a grain of sand.. in each sand of winds of time..

Jason: I've got to learn to talk like you.

Bruce: No time, no time.

The Clock king: What, we have plenty of time

Bruce: No time, no time.

Jason: Wait, I really want to meet this guy.

Bruce: No time like the present.

John Legiuziamo no John Mahoney arrives.

John Mahoney: I don't have time for your little mind game.. jymes joyce is out of job.. abortion is legal..

Jason: No it isn't .. not on my watch..

Bruce: - weakly – no time, no time

Jason: There is time.. there is time in hell.. there is always time in hell..

Bruce: Business is hell... and there is never time in business.

Hanno Bruce is naked in a batcave.

Hanno Bruce: .. livid is musk autumn..time for nakedness in luxury... naked time.. i think .. there is an audience.. no .. there isn't.. i forget.. or forget to care.. i'm alone in the batcave.. naked.. it's normal.. normal for me.. few other people.. it's not like.. i seek the shadow.. shadows entwining.. snakes and shadows and nakedness... naked snakes.. twisting entrails... digestion.. in dusk.. i smell the shadow.. it smells of ... erotica..

naked catwoman arrives

nude catwoman: .. i.. i.. i.. don't know what to say... i .. feel.. so.. lonely.. the shadows give birth to me.. but what is left of me when all the shadows go away from the planet.. there is nothing left of me of the planet.. i am planet's shadow remorse.. i am wet remorse.. wet planet... wet remorse moss in my vagina.. a deep, deep shadow within it...a snakeshadow.. snakes and ladders.. i am climbing a ladder my naked self.. nude i climb a ladder.. a ladder to the infinity symbol.. my abyss shadow soul seeks a symbol in the skkkeeiiyyyeee....

nude catwoman: ...yme.. jymes joyce is out of job.. a – bort – ist -crying in half sobs – ment.. time... time for abortion..

bruce .: .. long pause – i have to go to work...

nuce nude catwoman: OH GOD!

bruce: my work.. my work is the shadows of vagina.. of vagina in gotham.. my work is working the shadows of vagina..

nude catwomn: .. what?.. what?... i don't understand.. i'm just a little girl..

bruce: the underground margins of business are my time as batman.. i am never not bruce wayne.. i am always bruce wayne.. i am always doing bruce's work.. as batman.. batman is a renegade enron business rogue.. a post office thief.. he can be a criminal where bruce wayne cannot afford to be.. he is my criminal soul.. my shadows.. in naked realms of nude nymphs.. bruce wayne is legit and legit bruce wayne needs a criminal working for him.. a true criminal.. to the bones of time.. that's where i come in..

- he puts on the mask -

bruce: batman is a banker.. a templar..

Bruce: .. it is never time to win.. winning is for losers.. losing big at the game of dice.. losing big at derivitives.. losing big at finance.. bug finance.. bugs on the screen.. BUG MUSIC!

Nude Catwoman: oboy.. not good news.. BUG MUSIC!

Bruce: bugs in hell.. call the holy blood of the demon... there is a fire in jason..

nude catwoman: .. jason.. todd..

Bruce: .. i.. i'm meeting him soon.. soon...

nude catwoman: he also has a demon.. that keeps him alive... perpetually.. jason goes to hell todd goes to hell .. careens like richard kimble across the rocky terrain landscapes of hell.. and comes back unharmed.. like my nude body unscathed of hell..

Bruce: I love you.

Nude Catwoman: - crying – i know.. i know.. it's not easy..

Bruce: it's not easy..

nude catwoman: it's not easy .. to love.. to love.. a cat.. it's so hard..

Bruce: .. not hard for me.. not hard at all..

nude catwoman: .. i am in fire.. you walked me through a fire john.. a .. fire..

John Constantine arrives:

John: the fire knows my exists.. my exits..

nude catwoman: .. mine too..

John: .. i know the fire exits of hell.. but their always closed..

nude catwoman: - crying – them's the breaks..

John: .. indeed..

Bruce: i died my deed dead.. batman is deed.. a deed to will.. an autumn deed will.. a will in deed.. is batman..

nude catwoman: .. wailing like only a woman who believes in sin can wail – i will die someday an d no one will forget me..

Bruce is silent.

John: .. i am silent as the grave..

Bruce is silent.

Nude catwoman: your silence.. helps me..

John: there is a clock in hell i'm looking for..

Bruce: .. Alfred can find it.. the butler thing is his..

nude catwoman: i think alfred is my friend..

Bruce Wayne: .. the clocks.. they are abuzzing.. with entelechy.. form of forms.. nude poison ivy.. the demons to time.. fime.. ryme...

Bruce Wayne: .. the lights of autumn.. the lights of glistening leaves..

nude Catwoman: .. my pubic hair is in motion.. in perpetual flux.. like fractal pubics.. my breasts are like.. crackling chracking hay.. and und wheat in germ.. i am a germ to become breast breasts.. my nude breasts are the night.. i am nude night.. a woman who is night.. and.. nude..

.. i .. love .. crying.. my breasts... i love them soooo muuch... .. they love me too.. and the pubic region of my breasts.. like a dot betwixt my breasts.. an x.. if feel, home..

Bruce Wayne: .. i want you.. home.. i won't .. i want.. i won't.. have you anywhere but... home.. while sinking in the foam of rooftops.. while slinking on rooftops between chimneys.. on rails of windows.. you still.. at hom .. like a cat..

nude Selina kyle: .. meeoowww....

nude poison ivy

nude pamela nude isley: .. i am.. a child.. in death's swarming.. in death's sstrom in death's stormcloud's of chimney smoke mists.. covering my w breassts.. my exit is between my nude breasts.. my exotically flimsly breasts.. my woollen breasts.. i feel.. so happy.. when .. .. my naked body.. is nude.. for you.. bruce..

... my cruel belly.. my cruel crawling nudebelly.. i am a piglet's squeel.. .. bruce.. you can put me back together again.. you're good at puzzles..

Jason Blood: .. i am .. of the bounty.. of the bourne.. the bourn of the ocean of the okean.. - merging Julius phasing into daniel radcliff's jason todd – clayface knows the clay of time.. of

diamsael... of dismal door creeks of time.. of creaks of doors .. of time.. i am.. pep.. pep.. pep.. perpetually.. i am .. perp perp perp.. i a m .. perpetually .. haunted by.. aob.. by abortion.. i became a demon instead.. a doordemon.. like in the second and best harry potter film.. i haven't.. no .. i haunt the underground streams.. i a huant hunt hund.. i haunt the underground margins of business.. business, always business.. i.. i mean he.. i mean he i had to become i mean i had to become a criminal an abortion criminal to operate.. bues to operate buriness.. to pot .. to operate buseiness.. in the underground mary.. anna liviea's little mary.. in the underground margins.. of was there.. was there.. was there .. .. i different kind of abortion in the underground.. in the undergroundest margins.. totally different.. in the undergroundest.. in the news .. gods.. the news gods... in the new gods nes news gods aopocalips margins.. the core margins.. totally different.. documented by sartre in the age of reason.. in which the baby lives?...

Who is Julius Blood...

Bruce Wayne: It's death. Nothing but death.. no purple or death among the violets.. no violets among the death.. only violence among the death.. no shadows for shadows have depth only death death without shadow.. i am a man living among death, but little hardly a man.. hardly a shadow for death casts no shadow.. i despise the poetry of that phrase.. poetry is a betrayal of death of its very deathly principle..

.. five years.. will the work begin in five years.. five years of movie death.. of movie myths which are walking corpses.. star wars movies which are walking corpses.. avengers movies which are walking corpses.. wonder woman movies which are a walking corpse.. i was in hollywood.. bringing.. the truth to light mattered to me.. to hollywood light.. when i was not batman i hoped to be in hollywood production.. but gotham remained gaza, a no man's land.. and gotham gaze could not.. reach.. hollywood... gaza is forever.. but hollywood is everywhere, like the alleged afghanistan.. gaza is nowhere.. so where i live is limbo.. i am a calculus incarnate of limbo.. math to nowhere.. i .. am.. math.. a man in a black hole.. i am a man who is a math in a black hole.. i am math black hole i am.. i am a hole.. in nothing.. i am a mathhole..

Bruce Wayne: .. is there only gotham.. in a future which became a walking corpse.. in singular and plural.. is the dismal heights of gotham the only hope so to speak of a future.. a gotham future.. nothing but gotham in the skywastes.. a sky of nothing but gotham.. a future horizon of nothing but gotham.. nothing but dismal.. future voices betray you incessantly.. cruelly, angelically, like wicked angels.. they speak in twisted words.. your future is a wasted leaf.. less than that.. the wasted leaf speaks as your voice.. from the future.. crinkly pieces fall from it.. pieces which are voices.. crinkly fragments pretending to be whole.. pretending to be voice angels from the future.. angels which are wasted fragments falling from a wasted leaf.. voicewaste.. the future...

Bruce Wayne: .. five years.. a dead world.. a world of walking corpses pretending to be living humans.. living humans in living movies.. and living societies.. a mass of corpses.. a mass grave.. movies which are mass graves.. and then.. in five years.. what...

Bruce Wayne: .. not with a bang but with the exhalations of a wasted corpse.. so is the end of the world.. we aer the hollow women and men.. we are the dead women and men.. mista kurz he dead..

bruce wayne: the virtue of moses.. is he is my friend.. and we will work well together..

jason blood a corporate member: moses znaimer?..

bruce wayne: ahh, yes... znaimer.. a mutual friend.. an acquaintance of many.. a networker.. someone who works the octopus networks..

jason blood: a i know those well..

bruce wayne: a kind of jelly corporate substance..

naked poison ivy: corporate jello?..

bruce wayne: sorry.. a bit different.. just a bit.. different.. marine jellyfish are a corporate paradigm.. we want fluid corporate channels of flux.. flexible distribution.. there is much, much distribution in wayne enterbrises.. lost lots and lots of boxes and crates..

naked poison ivy: with umbrellas in them.. tehehee..

bruce wayne: maybe.. maybe.. we are an umbrella corporation.. racoon crime.. we raise the dead to active service..

jason blood: pauses – like darth vader.. like anakin.. who should be here.. at the board meeting.. everything on this planet is darth vader...

bruce wayne: we are a black knight corporation.. the black knight in chess.. is darth vader..

jason blood: woahh..

Nude pamela isley: .. an errorfixing butt is mine.. i cave in my cute butt errorfixing as it is.. my butt caves in younkers.. so plor plain.. , yu my plain butt is errorplain..

brue wayne: .. a brewery for ye am me.. an. .. me.. we need to make love in a brewery vat... like an acid bath a brewery vat to make love within by the reechy smithers.. making love by the sty..

nude pamela: i love YOU....

the Joker: acid baths are not lethal.. i'm proof..

.. bruce wayen: the lightenin' HEYYY..okay no .. like.. itslike.. breath of womans breast.. livia at livotsk.. i am young.. and single.. and alone ... a solitude livia and me are naked together a solitude..

bruce wayne: ... singleness is isolation.. an am isolated in naked i.. there .. is nothing.. but me.. and me.. and me.. all ghosts in season..

nude nightingale mist: i love you.. how did you.. i am naked in love for you.. how did i and you.. meet..

naked megan gale: the nightingale is a season of uproar mists overwhelming mists of depth.. depths of my nude body season..

nude batwoman: i creepycrawl like a nude lushington thru the streets like a caterpillar i do my nude body segmentation of myself into my nude anatomy like a caterpillar... i creep down the streets... stick to the streets like a snail.. i am a crushed shell.. my spine crushes at the mention.. i am to salt to sea.. i have salt in the mist of my vagina.. a salty mist.. of ocean crest.. an ocean my vagina.. i have a nude black ebony nude body.. it bristles by the light of the sun.. fire bristles against it my nude body ebony.. i am the stuff that dreams are made of...

Gotham is Enron.

Enron is a hospital.

Hospital derivitive fractals.

nude julie: i am naked in prose... prose is business. Business prose.. i dance on tables when i'm busy.. money flows out of my nude body as i dance money.. money flux.. dancing money.. a dance of pixels.. fractal dance.. i am a wung li master.

bruce wayne: the nightingale is morning..

nude nightingale mist: my morning butt..

bruce wayne: indeedy.. i like all the buttons..

nude nightingale mist: - giggly-gee – i have a cute button..

bruce wayne: the lightest button in the world..

nude nightingale mist: giggly-gee .. i have a cute pubis-gee

bruce wayne: i like everything about you..

nude nightingale mist: me tooooo.... i like everything about me me cute butt and cute vagina-gee...

bruce wayne: you're so cute..

nude nightingale mist: heehee hee... giggly-gee.... heehee bubbles...

bruce wayne: i like them about you..

next scene:

naked bruce wayne and naked nightingale mist are together in the bath

bruce wayne: i think.. we need to work harder... much harder.. you work hard enough as it is.. i need to work harder..

nude nightingale mist: oh no don't DON'T say that.. you work.. so difficult.. you do .. difficult work.. my vagina in ada does all the work for me.. i'm lazy otherwise.. my vagina is the only thing about me that isn't lazy...

bruce wayne: i find that hard to believe..

nude nightingale mist: i know.. - sadly – i know.. i know..

bruce wayne: let's work on the mist .. the mist section of the city..

nude nightingale mist: yippee.. here's my midsection.. here's my breastsection.. here .. one second.. okay.. here's my nude buttsection.. one second.. okay.. here's my vagina – heehee- section.. my vaginasection.. see i'm city.. i'm gotham – crying gently, sweetly – city.. i'm nude body city.. i'm nude body gotham nude batwom - ... ahhh!.. oops...

bruce wayne: i like that about you..

naked Flurrey Tornado is convinced she founded the illuminatti, an anarchist organization.. she's convinced she's very old..

naked bruce wayne: derivitives... of margins of marginilia.. of telescopes.. derivitivies of telescopes.. econmoic lensess.... economic optics.. eco optics... ra's... telescopes.. is ra's a binocular man.. question..

naked talia: good question.. oohh..

naked bruce wayne: i need.. an optics of a heart.. a heart which can labyrinth its way to a conscience.. a complex hydra conscience.. a complex hydraulic conscience complex.. like a pentagon complex.. a pentagon conscience.. a politic conscience... political words chosen .. with remorse..

naked talia: - crying – i know.. the politics of remorse.. all too much.. it is .. the entirety of my conscience.. this logistical remorse.. this dialectical channel remorse.. hydraulics of remorse.. is myself.. my soul.. my nude body.. a hydraulic..

naked bruce wayne: the lines of battle have been drawn like a nude woman.. she is naked in surplus of war.. warsurplus is her devilbane.. a devil of war is business..

nude talia: i think.. buseinness i sme.. ismessne.. ismese.. is me..

bruce wayne: rhyming in business.. is a rhyming couplets of seasons women's breasts..

nude talia: my rhyming nude breasts.. like beasts of rhyme.. fomenting in rhyme..

bruce wayne: fomenting women's breasts.. breasts of war.. women's breasts of demons.. demons of war.. business.. war.. war.. business..

nude talia: me is business..

Hollywood is everywhere and everything in gotham the movie.. the documentary reality series hollywood is full of footage for gotham..

bruce wayne is only bruce wayne for the first two hours of gotham the first full two hours.. the climactic batman scene in batman first movie which was anticlimactic because it wasn't the first scene is the scene before he goes on a rampage through batman axis pharmeceuticals.. oboy batman axis pharmaceutical.. oboy batman pharmaceutical.. that's at the end of gotham.. at the end of poison ivy's perfume gas rampage through gotham..

bruce wayne: angelina believes in prisons.. angelina knows prisons but she doesn't like them yes she does.. i'm she's not sure if she likes them or not... depends on the mood.. nicole like pedophiles.. matt likes demons .. matt likes fighting... matt likes ramming into people.. matt is the company runner.. like beetle bailery.. bailey sorry.. heh.. hmh.. matt is jason blood the real deal.. he knows the demon .. of his soul.. ben is strange... very verrry strange.. he is ben the first and last and best bachelor of all.. he is a small man for he is bullseye.. athena rolando is gotham.. the epic.. she is the epic, truest wonder woman.. naked wonder woman is naked athena rolando floating through the sea at poseidons' gentle command.. she is the george perez wonder woman... the one of hazy mists of sight into the distance wondering truly if superman's guardianship role as security guard of earth will lead him to kill children, to disembowel them like henry the fifth .. sooner rather than later.. that's the george perez athena rolando wonder woma.. a cockroach soul..

bruce wayne: winona is death.. and then they made death a pedophile to even matters because it was the high cost of living.. it was death's cheery pain.. cheerios.. toxic waste..

bruce wayne: i am going to live again after the pharmeceutical race.. a gong show.. i am never going to die.. the world will but i won't .. it's over before it's begun.. the death...

bruce wayne: is elemental poison ivy girl none other than non?.. the kryptonian phantom zone villian non?..

bruce wayne:  the terror of batman is that he became evil and nobody noticed.. more than a decade ago two decades ago and nobody noticed and rock of ages happened then and the "amazing" protocols.. and.. and.. talia.. and nobody... noticed..

batman:  I know..

peter gallagher bruce wayne: the unctios pimple of scratching sores of plenty of skin in the next milleneum.. the scratch a pimple.. its gone.. that's enough

daryll hannah nude catwoman: it's enough .. it's enough..

peter gallagher bruce wayne: i am designer jeans.. i am denim.. duodenim .. haha.. a scratchy lingerie sore.. cloth .. nothing but cloth.. my costume is cloth.. not velcro.. not spandex.. cloth.. the cloth of soul..

daryll hannah nude catwoman: thank you thank you i love you SOO mch... mulchus moose..

peter gallagher: i am a moose man.. i am a soul of message..

daryll hannah nude catwoman: i am nude in a bottle

Two- Face: HIIiiiiieee... i'm chad..

Both: Hiiiee chad..

Two-face: miracles aplenty with naked women besides.. come sugar and spice

naked drew barrymore and naked debi mazar: so twosome couplets of nude breastess ness of time incarnate in me nude body of devi debi and drew devi... both deva in action..

Diva music ensues nyuah nyuah nyuahhhh

Two face: gravely.. more a man of musk desert.. i am gravy.. swazzy and german.. i am a misogynist..

devi devi debi and naked drew - non no no you're not..

Two- face: that's it i'm a misogynist your naked both of you..

devi debi and drew: both of us hehehe

Two-face: that's it – i'm gone

Sledgehammer plays

and the morrows of dusk in the mookse i n ipple my bat is sluggard.. batman is sad and sullen

debi and drew: we love you chaaadd..

batman is waiting he is comfortable in sofacharm.. the charms of many sledgehammers in dusk.. maybe the clouds of breasts are wait

debi: Chad you are so henry miller... you are a haaappy man

drew: even in the midst of depression era london.. tropic of cancer was written in london wasn't it..

Chad: yes.. pause.. yes

debi a i lve you chad..

dostoevsky is deep..

Chad Two face: we are in a snazzy prison... SLEEDGEHAMMERRRRR..
debi:  chadtwon is r' us.. chadtown is gazatown.. sniff - sniff


The chemical plant

Tom McCamus: We've been ratted out, boys and girls, watch it..

Wendy Mcelroy: Yes indeed, boss.. herrre weee gooooooooooo

here we go dan ta dant ta dnat ta dant ta

here wego

Batman: no one dies tonight

wendy mclroy: i don't think so

tom mccamus: no wait.. he's right

wendy mclroy: is he?

Tom mccamus: we're in a plant a plant og oh god a plant.. ivy she does this

wendy mcelroy: ahhhh.. a plant .. a plaaaaannttt..

wendy mclroy falls off and hangs by a cable:

wendy elroy: ahhh lemme downn... ahhh lemme down.. ahhh lemme downtrodden

tom mccamus: i've got .. you.. i've got you.. i'm pulling you up.. i'm pulling you up... easy there

wendy mclroy: ahh wheww.. ah, there's the batman.. joining our fun.. he's a hood too.. let's get him.. hehe.. involved..

tom mccamus: you scare me.. you scare me

wendy mclroy: but i don't.. sniff.. i NEVER scare my little boy bats.. .sniff ahuh wahhh my my my my little boy.. my baby.. my BABY....

tom looks guilty silent as ivan

where are you wendy i want to help

wendy: sniff i'm everywhere and nowhere

just .. be still.. no sorry.. i'm sorry .. really sorry..

sniff wahh you don't have to apologize to me bats EVERYTHING

just be ... be careful.. no real sorry.. just .. take care .. yes

wendy: i'll .. i'll tar take care.. OF YOU..NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO--------by by bats.. she jumps off the ledge into an acid vat.. falling peacefully without making a sound.. then she makes a sound – sniff - before submerging in the acid

commissioner gordon: godimmit we had her..

batman disappears in mist

police officer: who is this guy

batman is outside at batman farber chemicals axis farber chemicals in the river of acid

he comes down by ladder

he walks into the river like a christ babtism.. he feels the fumes..the thick coloured perfumes of acid which he inhales deeply, unwillingly as he spends an hour looking for her.. images from a past..

Batman: if i have past, i prefer it be multiple choice..

past scenes the child bruce is walking with his parents one of whom is james tolkas the other of whom is.. wendy mclroy.. she's actually the same young age... she holds on to her child son nervously always nervously... but kindly.. they walk then othes follow.. into an open alley

wendy: an alley OG OH OG GOD not an alley

james tolkas: egg nog

wendy: WHAT> no bruce i'm sorry so sorry what no egg nog bruce let's get some egg nog from the store it's christmas

a voice: no it's not it's never christmas

another man reaches for her necklace

wendy: here you can have it .. i don't need it .. it's abusive to my son.. my poor poor son..

james tolkas: easy easy wendy

the man with the necklace: no here you're right here it is back

the voice of shadow: no – a shot rings out a gun emerges from the shadow

wendy mcelroy walls falls backward naked as if falling again into acid..

the father disappears

a shot rings out.. a faint thudding sound.. no it's just lightning

the young boy is calm but anxious

the voice emerges from the shadow it's tom mccamus with a giddy smile.. he aims the gun at young bruce

tom mccamus: hey kid have you ever sung with the devil by the pale pale sun.. let's sing the blues..

other man: let's go jack let's go

tom mccamus: see ya round kid

batman emerges from the acid.. reluctantly leaves.. as soon as he leaves.. a pale slightly whitened arm emerges from the acid.. but still flesh-toned..

the Batcave the tv is on

The tv: the woman in white i mean the woman without a face is still at large

vikki: why why bruce this is wrong so wrong.. it's all a nightmare.. a neverending nightmare for you

bruce: i neverending nightmare for everyone.. in gotham.. including you..

vikki: not for me i'm fine i'm fine

bruce: alfred

vikki: bruce you can't go she's scary

bruce: but she kills people one by one.. and if i can just save one of her victims.. just one-track

vikki: but bu it doesn't have to be a perfect world

bruce: i know.. but she's out there right now .. and i have to go to work

bat scene ensues..

Directed by Hanno Raudsepp and nude Sofia Coppola

Bruce Wayne / Batman - Hanno Raudsepp

Selina Kyle / Catwoman - Anne Hathaway

Poison Ivy / Pamela Isley - Kate Moss

Jason Blood / The Demon - the younger Brad Pitt

John Constantine - Josh Holloway

The Penguin / Oswald Cobblepot - Danny DeVito

The Scarecrow / Jonothon Crane - Cillian Murphy

Commisioner Gordon - Gary Oldman

Alfred Pennyworth - Michael Caine

The Clock King, based on Drapeau, former mayor of montreal - Jonothon Pierce

Talia - Tiffany taylor.. adult entertainment actress

wendy McElroy -wendy mcelory elroy killroy a henchwoman of Jack's

Jack - Tom mcCamus

Two Face - Aaron Eckhart

the Riddler - chad Michael murray


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