
Saturday, April 17, 2021

.. Track 2.. of disc one.. Track 2.. of disc one.. of "The World of Hans Zimmer.. a symphonic celebration..".. is the official, quintessential music of.. of.. Hanno Raudsepp: .. ".. and I can't believe how I was reading.. Jean Strouse's biography of Pierpont Morgan today.. on the date of Saturday, April 17th... 2021.. I was reading.. this book.. Jean Strouse's biography of Pierpont Morgan on today.. today being Saturday.. April 17th.. in the year 2021.. in the year 2021.. I was reading this book.. Jean Strouse's biography of Pierpont Morgan.. today.. exactly.. exactly.. exactly the same way I read Henry James's novel.. 'The Golden Bowl'.. in the year 1996 and 1997.. exactly the same way I read 'Crime and Punishment' and 'The Brothers Karamazov'.. both novels by dostoevsky.. in the year 1996.. and the year 1997.. in english translations these two russian novels.. in english translations these two russian novels.. and also.. today.. on the date of Saturday, April the 17th, 2021.. in the year 2021.. I was reading Jean Strouse's biography of Pierpont Morgan.. exactly.. exactly.. exactly.. the same way that I read Dostoevsky's novel..'The Possessed'.. in an english translation.. in those selfsame years.. the years 1996.. and 1997.. and I can't explain HOW.. how.. I was reading all those novels by Dostoevsky in english translations.. and also.. 'The Ambassadors'.. written by Henry James... and 'The Golden Bowl' written by Henry James.. and.. also.. I was reading 'The Wings of the Dove'.. written by Henry James.. in the year 1996 and 1997.. and also.. I read almost half of 'Portrait of a Lady".. written by Henry James.. the first half of that book.. in the year 1996.. I think.. that's the one book I decided to put off finishing.. by a matter of decades now it seems... by a matter of decades now it seems.. and.. I read all those books by dostoevsky in english translations and all those books by Henry James and also James Joyce's 'Ulysses' and 'Finnegans Wake' in the years of 1996 and 1997.. I read all those books.. also Virginia Woolf's novel-poem.. "The Waves".. in those years.. and Violette le Duc's massive autobiography 'La Batarde'... in an english translation.. all those novels in those two years.. the years of 1996.. wait.. also... also.. also.. 1995.. yes... 1995.. as well.. as-.. as well.. the years 1995.. 1996.. and 1997.. were the years I read those novels by dostoevsky, Henry James, James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, and Violette le Duc.. and literally almost all of the plays of William Shakespeare and some of the poetry of William Blake and William Butler Yeats and Wallace Stevens.. in those three years.. the three years.. 1995.. 1996.. and.. and 1997.. and today.. on the date of Saturday, April 17th, 2021.. I have been reading Jean Strouse's biography of Pierpont Morgan.. exactly.. exactly.. exactly.. precisely.. the same way that I read Henry James, William Shakespeare, Dostoevsky, James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, Violette le Duc, William Blake, William Butler Yeats and Wallace Stevens in those years.. exactly.. the same way.. exactly.. exactly.. exactly.. the same way.. but this same way.. of reading as I read in the years.. 1995.. 1996.. and 1997.. nothing I read sticks in memory when this is the way I read.. and the way I have been reading Jean Strouse's biography of Pierpont Morgan today on the date of Saturdary the 17th, 2021.. the way I've been reading this book today is a way where nothing I read from this book.. at all... sticks in memory.. sticks in memory.. at all.. at-.. at all.. so it is up to Julian Day (Alan Rickman).. to teach me.. thru his Mesmer-hypnosis telekinetic-retinal method of teaching how to read.. it is up to him... to teach me how to read.. so that I do remember to an intricate degree.. to a meticulous, intricate degree.. everything that I read in Jean Strouse's biography of Pierpont Morgan..."... $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3...

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