
Saturday, March 31, 2018

Watch what "Green Lantern", directed by Martin Campbell does with the after-credits scene in the end-credits of "Green Lantern".. when Sinestro puts on the yellow ring in Outer Space.. this scene literally takes place like a second almost a split-second after end-credits of "Green Lantern" have begun.. you literally can't have enough time to get out of your seat before you see this scene .. this end-Sinestro scene.. that's the way to do forty-five of fifty-five minutes of end-credits scenes during the end-credits of "Superman; man of steel; Act 2".. which ends with Tom Welling / Superboy-Prime in the Abu Ghraib prison in a prison guard network in outer space held by the security and prison guards of the Green Lantern Corps... the credits happen.. Brandon Routh Michael Rosenbaum Victoria Hill George Clooney Embeth Davidts Hanno Jason Leigh.. and then Hanno Jason Leigh Society Lex leaves with megan d. iseult talia al ghul and Ian McKellen Deathstroke to return to their ceremony of the Babylonian Revival of Ishtar (Monica Bellucci)... Ishtar Monica Bellucci is a perfume labyrinthine serpentine snake-goddess who's Courbet-brown-bronze pigment skin might turn partially reptilian like the skin pigmentation of Whisper O'Daire (Victoria Hill)... Ishtar's skin steams like a steamed clam.. like Hot Oil Bath Scalding Fumes are rising from her nude body.. then she enlarges to the size of a mountain or perhaps even to the size of Halley's Comet to plummet and catapult thru Outer Space to mutilate the Whole Green Lantern Corps.. meanwhile the Green Lantern Corps want to be Blacks Beach so one of their agents shot Nekron dead with a shotgun and they changed themselves into the GreenBlack Lantern Corps.. (like Greenback Hooligans.. a movie with truly disturbing talkback responses to a hard-effort review by Harry Knowles himself.. when the title of the movie was just "Hooligans"...)... and therefore the Parallax who incinerated Hektor Hammond at the end of Martin Campbell's "Green Lantern".. that Parallax becomes teh Force behind the now renamed GreenBlack Lantern Corps.. it's Ishtar (Monica Bellucci) versus Parallax.. and.. it's teh Sinestro Corps led by a war-maddened, war-trauma, war-savaged Sinestro (Ralph Fiennes).. the Sinestro Corps is inflicting bloodthirsty massacre after massacre upon innocent space-fairing intergalactic transport ships.. but Ishtar (Monica Bellucci) might need their.. and Sinestro's (Ralph Fiennes's) .. help.... $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. dini / benitez poison ivy pamela isley.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3....

Monica Bellucci is the Babylonian Goddess Ishtar in this photograph...

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