
Saturday, June 30, 2018

... who is Colonel Steve Trevor.. who is Colonel Steve Trevor.. (.. I believe Gary Oldman might honestly want to play the Colonel Steve Trevor of "Justice League; The Flashpoint Paradox".. but this Colonel Steve Trevor.. despite the YouTube label of the Video Vidcap.. decidedly does not die.. he does NOT die.. this is the SECOND time.. to my knowledge that a YouTube title of a YouTube video / vidcap has lied.. the first time is when the said that.. in the animated "The Dark Knight Returns".. that Batman KILLED the Joker.. he DID NOT.. not in the animated "The Dark Knight Returns".. the Joker with a ferocious act of will, the Joker cracks his own neck by bending it out of shape.. the Joker ends his OWN life... because this Batman canNOT.. kill.. this was the first time that YouTube has LIED about one of it's own video's.. saying that Colonel Steve Trevor was killed by a Wonder Woman.. could very well be.. the second....

.. Colonel Steve Trevor (Gary Oldman).. from "Justice League; The Flashpoint Paradox".. is most likely the father of the Tom Cruise Steve Trevor.. aka Gary Oldman is Tom Cruise Steve Trevor's father.. Gary Oldman is Steve Trevor senior.. and the Wonder Woman who lynches this Steve Trevor is actually an ancestor of both Megan Gale's Diana of Themiscyra... and an ancestor of Gal Godot's Dan Mishkin-era Diana Prince...

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