
Wednesday, March 1, 2023

.. the enigma TNG - Death Dealer.. is the official, quintessential music of.. Hanno Raudsepp: ..".. I think of Jim Carrey as the Riddler.. and I think of Nicole Kidman in movies like 'Malice' and 'To Die For'.. and.. I know that Nicole Kidman wishes she could change everything about her Doctor Chase Meridian.. and.. it's like.. if Nicole Kidman played Jim Carrey's girlfriend in a future movie.. the voices are saying with savage language that it's been done.. already.. with an actress indistinguishable from Nicole Kidman.. and they still can't defeat man-woman crime statistics.. despite.. all that.. despite.. no matter.. who they cast in these movies.. men or women.. and that wasn't even.. sorry.. the thing I was thinking of.. I think it wasn't.. it's that.. healing wounds for Nicole Kidman.. like.. okay.. the Scott Lobdell Ridler in the comic book titled I think the title of this Scott Lobdell comic book is "Sirens".. or.. or.. "Gotham Sirens".. and the Riddler was a leading man hero in this comic book issue and he found a loving girlfriend in this issue someone who he could honestly marry happily.. and.. if Nicole Kidman could play her.. sorry.. real sorry.. oh no.. I can't remember the name of this female character written so beautifully by Scott Lobdell in 'Sirens'.. or if the comic book was called 'Gotham Sirens'.. sorry.. sorry.. I wish I could remember the issue number of this Riddler hero and his wonderful girlfriend issue.. how he meets his.. - first.. girlfriend.. ?.. Nicole kidman could play her.. sorry.. real sorry.. I know how sacred and truly wonderful the name 'Gus' for young men is.. and I honestly was thinking of the truly horrific ending of 'To Die for' and poor, sob sob sob.. poor, poor, poor Nicole Kidman at the ending of 'To Die For', directed by Gus van Sant.. and.. 'van'.. like 'Vincent van Gough'.. sorry.. the Holland thing.. van means 'Holland'.. 'Gus' is a truly wonderous name for young men.. and I thought of 'Gus van Sant'-.. is he evil..?.. - sorry.. because of everything about the ending of 'To Die For'.. and how horrifically wrong and satanically inappropriate that is for a character who is the person in a movie that Nicole kidman was playing in 'To Die for'.. how it's false advertising horrifically when you see the poster-ad of 'To Die For' and sorry.. without knowing... HUGE SPOILER here..... .. .. without knowing about 'Malice'.. you are so unbelievable excited for this new astounding spectacular role for Nicole Kidman promoted in the poster-ad visual of 'To die for'.. I'll.. I'll stop talking here..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult maggie verver "hyacinth" ryder madeleine "jean grey hyacinth" ryder 'madelaine herzog'- "jean grey hyacinth" winona ryder issue #19- emma frost eternally-nineteen year old monica bellucci golden-bed-layers Venus-pose 44-year old monica bellucci also eternity 21 (?)- year old monica bellucci "Gia sculptural nude"- angelina jolie standing-on-one-leg-looking-at-herself-in-the-mirror-just-like-nicole-kidman-in-billy-bathgate-and-alse-eyes-wide-shut-(film-noir?)- scarlett johansson.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

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