Note from Batman: Batman honestly
believes all cell-phones have a nanotechnological flesh-eating
disease inside them, air-transmitable.
The Scarlet Witch is the Key. She is
being kept in an inescapable Kafka labyrinth by her father Magneto.
He believes she will hurt Havok, simply by her mere existance.
Magneto is a protector. He will protect Havok from the Scarlet
Witch, who Magneto believes can bend the fabric of reality. Magneto
solicits Dr. Strange's help to maintain the Scarlet Witch in a coma.
An eternal coma.
Hi Tony Stark, Robert Downey jr., it's hanno, hanno raudsepp. My address is 41 o'neil crescent, Trenton, Canada. Look up my address on the White pages in Canada on the internet under the name, Andres Raudsepp. He's my father. Look up - white pages - on the internet. Then enter the name, - Andres Raudsepp - and - Trenton - for city. You'll find two cities of Trenton for that name, on in the States, the other in Canada. My address, 41 o'neil crescent, is in Canada. Come meet me.
Iron Man 4 or 5 screenplay
Tony Stark: I am.. waiting. Time is
dead. I don't need alcoholism, even if it is in my future.
Mutant-persecutions will begin, with or without the help of my vast
corporation. I will be a non-sequetor. My intellect is an island, a
castaway island in the middle of a nowhere sea. I am lost. I don't
know who I am. Who. The man who is prey to evil powers. Powers to
steal the heart. Powers to freeze the soul cold. It is over without
having begun. The Avengers never began. It was an empty beginning,
which was an empty promise. A promise of empty futures. An empty
team. A team which would benefit from having no members. Trevor.
Trevor was Jarvis. He was an actor who could play the roles of a
terrorist and/or a butler with equal prowess. Trevor/Jarvis has a
beginning which goes back to the American Revolution, he may be
immortal, as Butler's are. Was America an empty promise? Who was
Lincoln? A purveryor of an empty promise? Someone who carried
America like an empty burden which made his soul empty by its
Tony Stark is in a mental institution. Chicken George arrives with a gun, shooting nurses, cops and security guards. Chicken George gradually shoots thru the lock of the door, eroding it with bullets.
Chicken George: You're out, boss - shoots a guard, then a nurse -
Mental institution personnel: Aaaahhhh!
Tony Stark: - coming out - Sorry, Hollywood protocol. We warned you. We have to be in time to make the next Avengers movie. Every day off the set costs a million dollars for the studio. Money talks, even though it doesn't in a mental institution, so guns have to. Guns are the security detail, they're all we have to protect Hollywood productions and Hollywood investors from financial collapse. We said we'd either sue you or.. this... this havoc.. this chaos.. And you didn't listen. When we said we'd sue you. So you made your choices.
Mental institution personnel: WHAT!!!
Tony Stark: Hollywood had to send out the big guns. So they called Chicken George.
Chicken George: Ya, boss. Let's go.
Tony Stark: Hollywood resurrection awaits.
On the road. Both in a car without a cell phone.
Chicken George: What should we do now, boss.
Tony Stark: Ah, why don't you go jump off a bridge or something.
Naked White queen: I'll help you.
Chicken George: What, jump off a bridge?
Naked White queen: I'll do that. Later. Here we go. - she jumps off -
Tony Stark: She does that.
Tony Stark secretar: - reading from a Reuters text - Tony Stark is wanted for murder.
Other secretary: What?
First secretary: Tony Stark is wanted for murther.
Other secretary: What?
First secretary: Tony Stark is wanted for murder.
Flashback ---
Trevor comes out of prison into the bright outdoors. It's a nice day, blue clouds...
Trevor: Mr. Stark, you got me out?
Tony Stark: Yeah, something about me
and prisons. You're a resourceful guy. I empathized.
Trevor: I just, I don't know what to
say. I'm just... there is something.. I am a Muslim man.. and..
there are matters of honour..
Tony Stark: Wait, is this some kind of
Jar-Jar Binks life-debt thing.. because, honestly... I got you out of
prison.. you don't owe me your life.. with your prodigious verbal
skills, you could have most likely, most definitely negotiated
yourself to a much nicer place in prison.. maybe not.. but see.. I
was in prison, an Afghani prison, and I just, I had to get, I just
had to, I mean, well no, they let me do all kind of cool stuff in the
Afghani prison, a lot of cool stuff, those were the days, I mean,
back to the point, I mean, they wouldn't have let me do those things
in an American prison.. white-collar crime isn't what it used to
be... but anyway, there is no life-debt.. there was a man he got me,
he literally got me out of the Afgani prison, and since then I
haven't given him a second thought...
Trevor: Ah, but you are an American...
Tony Stark: So are you now, I got you
out...I have made you an official American citizen...
Trevor: But there is American honour..
Tony Stark: No such thing..
Trevor: There is a mutant.. I mean a
muslim variant.. of american honour...
Tony Stark: Ahhh... you're a tricky
Trevor: I did find your house and bomb
Tony Stark: No you didn't. That was
your muslim life-debt. Your free of it now that I've made you an
american. I owe you a lot.
Trevor: Debts mean nothing a muslim.
Tony Stark: No, I mean it. You
explained to me a far more sinister conspiracy, the media. I'm
getting into media in a big Tony Stark way now thanks to you. It's
pre-emptive. I'm doing it for my survival and my corporation's
survival and my wife I mean my girlfriend's survival. All in the way
of priorities.
Trevor: I owed the media my acting
career. But it was also a death-debt. I have.. acted other roles..
than that of a terrorist...
Tony Stark: Tell me about it.
Trevor: The media, sinister as it is,
brought our paths to cross... our paths may cross again soon..
Tony Stark: You know my address.
Later... At Tony's villa..
Trevor shows up at Tony's door.
Tony Stark: Ah, Trevor, long time no
Trevor: I meant to come later, perhaps
a month later, out of courtesy. But time was urgent.
Tony Stark: Same old Trevor.
Trevor: There is a ... media war..
which we discussed outside my office... it is ...
Tony Stark: .. hey wait.. your
Trevor: .. i am a prisoner of faith..
have you read “the informed heart”...
Tony Stark: .. i .. i read it in the
afghani prison.. my .. my friend gave it to me... it described.. it
described something that become my heart condition.. a plastic
heart.. a plastic prison... a heart in stasis.. a heart frozen in
time... Russian fatalism...
Trevor: .. i know .. nietzsche ... and
russian fatalism..
Tony Stark: ... i have... i'm concerned
about investing in russian media...
Trevor: .. Pakistan and Russia have
had.. I'm Pakistanese by the way.. I was the Pakistani manderin..
Pakistan and Russia have had a historical emnity.. no.. rivalry..
they can mend fences..
Tony Stark: ...
Today ----
White Queen: There is a mutant
hegemony which I fear like the plague. Mutants are the plague. I:
should know. I am the plague. The spectre of mutantkind is coming,
like communism. The red scare. The worst enemy. We need an enemy.
Mutants will do.
Tony Stark: How are we doing this?
White Queen: We will do a mutant black
propaganda campaign. I am a black propaganda campaign, even though,
I'm white, lily-white. Like a flower-lily. Hee.. hhee.
Tony Stark: You scare me.
White Queen: i'm sorrrieee .. I don't
mean to.. my soul is scary.. very vewy scary... it scares even me..
and i don't scare easily.. only mutants scare me... they are my
kryptonite.. they must be stopped..
Tony Stark: .. some of this is just...
just beyond me..
White Queen: I don't blame you.
Mutants are so powerful now we need the beyonder on our side. I'm
sure he'll help.
Tony Stark: I'm not so sure.
White Queen: He will. - with clipped,
anxious confidance- He will.
Scene – Board meeting corporatespeak
Female exec 1: Okay, so we're on to
naked Gwyneth topic. Why is she always naked? What is she trying to
prove by being naked? That she's naked? It's like a mobius loop.
She makes my head hurt.
Female exec 2: I think she only wants
us to be on her topic. She's power-hungry. She only wants her body
to be power. I know these kind of women who are all about their body
being, well, everything about what we see, on every magazine cover ad
Female exec 3, her breasts in tow: She
believes her time has not yet finished, or not yet come. In full
force of her breasts in tow. Her naked body is plastered everywhere
I'm surprised she's not on the nine o'clock news. She makes me sick
with overexposure, like I'm in a desert and she's naked on it. She
should be on a car.
Female exec 4: The naked Gwyneth woman
is everywhere. She musst be stopped. Whose with me/ Which of you
- silence -
Same Female exec: What'r you afraid of
her or something?
- silence -
Same Female Exec: Well, I'm not gonna
do it, if that's what you're thinking.
“My mind is sick with Gwyneth but
violence is not the answer. We are a respectable business with a
disreputable topic on board with us as if she's a boardroom princess
who leaves her clothes all over the room because her nakedness is a
luxury she thinks she can afford and the only worthy topic of debate
for her to boot. Her butt, I mean. I hate her. But she's a human
“Let's not split hairs”
“and when did we exactly become
Gwyneth defenders Inc, live on Global. She's making us all look at
her instead of looking at the spreadsheet. It's her inane form of
corporate sabotage.
“We could just not watch her show.”
“I doubt she'll stop there. Naked
Gwyneth is all about the ratings but
Havok: I know Doctor Doom. We are
working together on a lot of projects. Civil work, tenement
buildings for mutants, apartment buildings they own but don't have to
pay for. Latveria is funding it. Doctor Doom is extremely concerned
about ending unemployment... sorry.. sorry.. not ending
unemployment.. i'm getting engaged in conventional economic
terminology.. He wants to make sure everyone has a house or apartment
and enough food whether or not they work...
Tony Stark: Maybe he founded my
corporation. I think you just described me. I'm Tony Stark. I'm a
death merchant. I end lives and he saves them.
Havok: You're.. a philosopher. Doctor
Doom and you are both philosophers, so you're both of like-minds. I
forsee you working a lot together in the future.
Tony Stark: He rules a whole country,
right? I could use a whole country to help me with my .. with
anchoring.. with providing a moral anchor for my corporation.
Havok: I'm concerned.. about... i
mean.. you say you're.. a death merchant.. but most death merchants
don't exactly talk like that... they lack irony.. so i think.. you're
something more.. something... more... i think..
Tony Stark: Doctor Doom and I have a
lot in common?
Havok: He actually.. I know about the
history of the Avengers project.. and it was.. you probably are not
in a position to know this.. but the project was begun decades ago by
Doctor Doom.
Tony Stark: It was.. I mean..
honestly?... sorry.. i mean, i believe, it was?
Havok: I began representing mutants at
a young age. I met some SHIELD reps at a coffee shop I was writing
at. They had been sent by Doctor Doom. Usually when people offer
you jobs at coffee shop red tape interferes and the job is a job you
don't.. a job you don't think is appropriate.. but Doctor Doom
doesn't believe in red tape.. He made sure the people he sent
scouring in coffee shops had access to the highest levels.. I was.. I
was going to be one of the first members of the Avengers...
Tony Stark: - misty eyed – We could
have.. we could have worked together... I'm just wondering.. he's so
sad ... when did Nick Fury get involved.
Havok: He was after my time.. after I
left and became involved in underground mutant activism and normal
people activism.. mutants aren't exactly... normal.. but normal
people matter as well.. Nick Fury.. .wait.. the name.. I knew ..
there was another Nick Fury?... He wore an eyepatch.. He was young..
or at least.. he had a young demeanour.. He was dressed like a
businessman, black tuxedo and all.. he would look at himself in the
mirror a lot.. as if he didn't trust himself not to turn into an
optical illusion..
Tony Stark: Optical illusions... I
feel... as if the whole Avengers project the whole team is an optical
illusion.. i feel most real in my skyscraper.. most of the time..
when I'm a member of the Avengers.. I'm not even in the costume.. so
.. Nick Fury is a legacy...
Havok: The Nick Fury i knew was more..
optimistic.. than your Nick Fury...
Tony Stark: He was actually somewhat
optimistic when he first contacted me, soon after I became Iron Man.
But he actually.. he became very depressed about the Avengers early
on.. He regrets founding it to this day.. Ijust wish.. now that I
found out.. that Doctor Doom had still been involved.. how did he
become disengaged from the equation..
Havok: Latveria became a prison-state,
against his will. He couldn't get out. He just couldn't. All that
technology he had, all the mathematical, scientific genius he had
accumulated carefully over the years, he couldn't use any of it to
cure people of diseases, to save lives. Economic blockades were
strangling his country. Latveria was like Gaza, like Iraq. He felt
cursed. But he's not letting it go on anymore. He's starting
something. He is going to start a war from prison.
Tony Stark: - long pause – I once
felt my heart was a prison. It might become a prison again. You're
talking to Doctor Doom?
Havok: Mutants have.. underground
channels which can make it even into .. Latveria.
Tony Stark: So mutants are the
future.. the future people.. and I am feeling more and more like the
path.. like I'm decaying down a road a Jack Kerouc road into the
past... into past memories.. like all my future consciousness is past
memories.. anticipative nostalgia.. what the White Queen believes she
Havok: I need to talk to the White
Queen urgently. You know her well, I know.
Tony Stark: I'll call her up right
now. Oh wait. - puts his cell phone down – I'll call her from a
regular phone.
Havok: White Queen. How are you.
White Queen: I'm sick. Sick with
plague. Sick with mutants. I'm going to be passing a lot of laws ..
I think.. a lot of laws.. which are going to send them to .. which
are going to persecute them.. which are going to be
mutant-persecuting laws.. which are going to send lots of mutants to
prison – crying with spasms of schock of heart shock – I can't
stop it. I just, just, just can't .. can'.t... can't.. can't..
can't.. can't stop it.. stop .... it .. sorry.. i'm sorry...i'm
sorry... that expression stop it is so horrible.. so awfully
horrific.. i'm a mutant myself and belong in prison more than any
other mutant.. but instead i'm going to be sending them all to
Havok: - softly - You wanted to start
a school didn't you... I mean, a community.. not a school ... a
mutant community.. like a mutant commune.. but in classy interior
plush settings...
White Queen: The Hellfire club... is
my home.. Hellfire is my home.. my eternal home..
Havok: .. maybe we can change a future
from being written in stone..
White Queen: I have so many books..
so many, many books at home.. piled up like towers.. like
skyscrapers.. beside the curving staircases... and they all say the
same thing... somehow it doesn't make any sense .. they're so
different.. they all spell doom... doom for the White Queen..
Havok: I know doom. Doom can help.
White Queen: You gave me the Golden
Bowl. I have it in my study labyrinth. But.. I never read it.. It's
helping me.. a lot.. Henry James is my soul..
Havok: Each character he wrote was
White Queen: - crying - They were
They were ... I am Kate Croy.. naked Kate Croy.. I am naked Maggie
Verver.. Adam Verver.. he was trying to build something monumental..
a monumental art .. no .. no... - crying - .. no ... no .. a
monumental.. something.. empire.. like what me and Sebastion are
trying to build...
Gwyneth Paltrow: The White Queen and I
are Goneril and Regan. I'm Regan. I'm convinced of it. 100%. And
she's gonnohrea.
Naked Mystique: You speak in exotica.
Gwneth: I speak corporatespeak. I
learned everything from my man. My man in the sky, in the skyscraper
from Gwynethhell.
Mystique: I have operated politically
in hell for a long, long time. It was my natural element. It turned
my pigmentation, my skin pigmentation, to almost black.
Gwyneth: You have lovely skin.
Mystique: So kind of you to say. I
burned it in hell long enough.
Gwneth: lovely.. just.. just lovely.
Mystique: Thank you. I appreciate a
good heart.
Gwyneth: I heart Tony.
Mystique: True love is a gift from
heaven. Cherish it always. I wish.. I wish I could go to heaven.
But they send far too many mutants.. far too many.. to hell. I need
to stay there a long time. For long,... for long...
Gwyneth: I'm touched. Truly.
Honestly. I'm a mutant.
Mystique: You are?
Gwyneth: Indeedy. Indeedy I am. Down
with the Saozon Ruze.
Mystique: The Druze. I forgotten all
about them... all about them.. I remember only the name.. they were
Gwyneth: Dear drubber Druze.
Mystique: I'm sorry. I don't
Gwyneth: You don't have to. I'm a
businesswoman. The co-CEO of Stark enterprises. It's beyond you.
Mystique: Yes. Many things are. I'm
.. I'm unaccostumed to staying on earth.. I float above it.. above
it.. as Havok says he himself does.. with his sonar power ... he says
he floats above it.. he says he touches neither ground nor sky.. -
crying – we have a long, long history together.. we were both
underground mutants.. we started the Brotherhood.
Gwyneth: We can make the Brotherhood
into something big. What was it- the Brotherhood?....
Naked Mystique: of evil mutants. The
brotherhood of evil mutants.
Naked Gwyneth: It takes one to know one.
The Mandarin: I serve the cause of
death, the agendas of death. Death is a settled thing, and I serve
settling things, things that have decayed into a state of peace.
This is China. China is decayed, and I serve ancient decay.
Tony Stark: I can't.. I can't be
about.. decay.. I determined to serve the future..
The Mandarin: You're an American.
Tony Stark: I always though America
was decaying into some demonic mythological version of Rome.
The Mandarin: - pause, long pause -
Are you aware... of chinese calligraphy.. Chinese calligraphy is the
basis of all chinese art..
Tony Stark: Wow.. I didn't know
that.. I didn't .. I didn't...
The Mandarin: The long scroll of
Chinese history is a calligraphy scroll of ink... inkscroll... China
is .. evil now.. No version of China gets through to the West without
being .. translated by.. communism? ... or something else..
Tony Stark: It's the same with books
in America. But America might also be a communist republic.
The Mandarin: But China is supposed to
be different. Chinese text.. chinese.. characters.. are... are meant
to cure people of reading impairments.. which are everywhere among
the populace... chinese text is supposed to engender concentration in
the mental visual faculties which can force.. force a way through...
but then, people read the english translation.. and something offends
them.. and they can't read the chinese text..
Tony Stark: That's where I'm supposed
to come in. I'm supposed to know all this technology.
The Mandarin: You're technology is
NASA. You're technology seeks the stars.
Tony Stark: That's Iron Man all right.
From the very first mark. When I sought only the stars as my refuge
to escape from a prison in Aphganistan. They let me build the iron
man costume in prison.. a lot of prison's are like that.. but there
was no way i was staying prison.. no matter how much iron man
technology they were willing to let me build within its walls...
prison is not a safe place for a soul..
The Mandarin: You speak of my soul.
But my soul itself is a prison. Such is the Chinese soul. You're
soul can yet take flight.
Tony Stark: It hasn't been able to for
a long time.
The Mandarin: Learn chinese
calligraphy.. learn chinese calligraphy... the poetry and philosophy
of China is inside it.. it may help
Tony Stark: .. i will.. I will...
The Mandarin: Pleased to meet you,
miladay. Midday day .. milliday.. milady of many twilights.. of the
sun.. the red sun.. the eternal chinese symbol.. you are very much
our eternal chinese symbol..
Gwyneth: Very pleased to meet a man of
your status... your status in international business..
The Mandarin: .. youre a businesswoman
through and through... we have many in China.. however.. you are...
you understand the technology the science foundations of your
business as well...
Gwyneth: I spent a lot of important
time at the bottom before I made it to the top.
The Mandarin: .. ah, that is where I
began.. long, long ago... but my way up was a matter of centuries..
Gwyneth: Centuries?... a I'm very glad
to meet you.. maybe we can get married someday.. I need to develop
Chinese interests..
The Mandarin: Ah.. you are a woman of
chinese pragmatism.. channels ... pragmatism has kept our economy
within an illusion of complacent.. safety... no .. safety is not the
word.. i can only say we have kept our economy within a state of
decay... and that is our safety.. no.. not safety.. if it were only
Gwyneth: I've never believed in
safety. I was secretly glad Tony Stark invited the first Mandarin's
helecopters to come and bomb the hell out of our home .. hours of
bombing but it was worth it.. he became our butler and a very good
one.. he's as dear to our heart as phil.. poor old phil...
The Mandarin: ... your man phil..
phil.. he was wounded and taken to a place of safety from an
elaborate, military orchestrated war-zone.. from a place of martial
Gwyneth: .. Phil.. what! ...he's
alive.. I never blamed Loki for killing him.. it was all part of the
trade.. the job as Phil explained it to me endlessly.. it's why we
spent so much time together.. but.. he's alive!! Yippeee!
The Mandarin: He is. He's in China.
He had to escape SHIELD. Loki understood that. China is SHIELD
right now. And a double-path, a double-loyalty of SHIELD China would
... would destroy the very foundations of the earth...
Gwyneth: Well, been there, done that..
you know.. .. ya know..
The Mandarin: Ah!....
Tony Stark – Robert Downey Jr.
Gwyneth Paltrow / Pepper Potts –
Gwyneth P altrow
The Mandarin – Jackie Chan
The White Queen – Winona Ryder
Havok – Hanno Raudsepp
Jarvis Trevor – Ben Kingsley
Peter Gallagher – Nick Fury 1
Samuel L. Jackson – Nick Fury 2
for that matter, Adam Baldwin – Nick
Fury and the Howling Commandoes Nick Fury
Naked Mystique – naked Holly Madison
and Chicken George
Directed by the director of Iron Man 3, sorry, forget his name, John Favreau and Atom Egoyan for the Mandarin's optical art deco lair
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