
Monday, August 20, 2018

Clark Kent.. in "Superman; man of steel; chapter one", directed by Steven Spielberg.. sob sob.. and Sophia Copolla....

Clark Kent (Brandon Routh):.."... I dunno.. it's like... I hold Wilhelm Canaris in such high regard and esteem.. and .. sorry Lois Lane.. it was a book I read at the Don Mills library.... it was actually.. a book.. that... it had to do with... it was a book that was supposed to vanquish.. your ability to read fiction .. or non-fiction.. okay.. sorry Lois Lane.. I went thru something.. where when I read a book of fiction.. it was something I felt.. where it was like.. I felt like.. what I'm reading is not real.. I'm reading a book by John Grisham.. or Scott   .. Turow.. that's terrible.. that's just terrible.. Scott Turow is real.. or Tolkien.. but Tolkien wrote about geography.. out the English countryside... how can anyone say that Tolkien writing endlessly about forest geography.. heinnhh…?.. that a book that describes so much about countryside geography.. "The Fellowship of the Ring".. is not.. .. that geography .. that a book by Tolkien about geography... is not .. "Fellowship of the Ring".. which is.. sorry.. which.. is .. sorry.. a book about geography.. and that a book about geography .. is not.. real..?... also.. I think Tolkien regrets saying that allegory was not his favourite subject.. because .. ahAH.. allegory makes fiction into something of apocalyptic metaphysical reality.. and .. now.. how can Tolkien say that the Dark Riders are not vintage allegory... Sauron.. okay.. he liked Sauron.. he liked Sauron.. Tolkien liked Sauron and said that Sauron began as a heroic angel-being... so he couldn't say that Sauron was an allegory of the atomic bomb.. he just.. couldn't.. it's like .. espionage.. you start reading books about espionage from the library.. and then .. it's the book.. the book that wants to tell you that espionage is .. in real life.. the most boring, hum-drum reality imaginable.. that it's not Mission Impossible.. it's not .. sorry.. oh geez... James Bond.. the book even says that Ian Flemings James Bond book series was very poorly written.. which  I could not more emphatically disagree with... based alone on my cursory glance of Ian Fleming's James Bond's books.. but it's.. the book that is meant to annihilate all excitement at finding the real world of espionage as exciting as any fiction.. so that it would be like .. you don't.. NEED fiction.. you have thrilling, apocalyptic, high-stakes non-fiction espionage.. and yet.. the thing I don't understand.. is the book that claims that their is NO need for their to be any secrecy to top-secret.. it's top-secret.. it's the book that claims that top-secret espionage documents of the CIA don't NEED to be top secret.... like.. roughly estimating.. ninety-five percent of top-secret CIA documents are so lame and pointless and meaningless that their is NO reason whatsoever why any member of Joe Q public could not read them.. the same book claims that the PRINCIPLE of keeping CIA documents top-secret.. that the PRINCIPLE of top-secrecy.. not any necessity for it whatsoever... whatsoever.. whatsoever.. that the PRINCIPLE of top-secrecy .. that a woman.. she may have been an elderly woman.. I can't remember.. the book.. the man who wrote the book.. honestly claims to believe in the book that most likely the woman was killed by the CIA to prevent her from possessing top-secret CIA documents that their was NO REASON whatsoever why any member of Joe or Jane Q public could not read them.. and she was killed to protect merely.. sorry for saying merely.. poor woman.. poor woman.. that she was murdered to protect the IDEA that these meaningless, pointless CIA documents had to protected by the utmost measures of the CIA... the IDEA of top-secret necessity was the reason this woman was murdered by the CIA in this book that is meant to be a companion to John Le Carre's "Teh Perfect Spy"... about disclosing the pointlessness and meaninglessness and consequent sheer boredom of the work of a spy... it's like.. sorry... I've been dominating the conversation.. Lois.. Lois.. ms. Lane..."...

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