
Saturday, February 29, 2020

A comicvine biography for Ahania Blacksmith...

Ahania Blacksmith

     Ahania Blacksmith is motivated by a pitch-black hatred and personal loathing for Hollywood celebrities, whom he considers to be male and female equally all of them to be worthless lowlifes.. far, far worse than the most overglorified criminals.. Ahania Blacksmith knows that the self-pity of Hollywood celebrities is only on their own behalf... and not at all any sense of sadness or remorse for their victims.. Ahania Blacksmith knows that the most monstrously, satanically, sadistically verbally assaulted and abused in the whole history of fiction is .. is Bruce Wayne aka Batman.. and Ahania Blacksmith wants to expose ALL of the culprits responsible for this human atrocity to public ignominy.. Ahania Blacksmith is also astonished that so many adults in the legal profession, adults who are movie producers, adults who work in law enforcement.. so many, so many of them, so, so many adults are obsessed with superheroes and with their presence in Hollywood movies and especially with the appropriate actors to play them... with no regard that superheroes have classically belonged to childhood dreams and teenage realities.. it goes far beyond even the horrors of the "Scared Straight"- convict regime.. for Ahania Blacksmith.. in which he believes superheroes in comic books distributed to young children who are victimized by the "Scared Straight"- regime.. in which these superheroes are part and parcel of the convict-gang who are supposed to brutalize and rape young children in prison.. as a compulsive means to prevent young underage young male youths from breaking the law.. Ahania Blacksmith essentially.. these are his words which he bellows to all the Hollywood Celebrities who are part of this Hollywood-superhero star-system.. these are his raging words to the Hollywood celebrities male and female..


…. Ahania Blacksmith has long ago had it proven to himself that ANY alliance let alone friendship between himself and Talia al Ghul is absolutely out of the question.. he is a lone renegade living with his father raging on the street threats of sexual mutilation and threats of utter sexual dehumanization against the Superhero-worshipping Voices which he hears relentlessly in the air as if he has schizophrenia or bipolar... Ahania Blacksmith has one personage who he absolutely loves and worships.. and that personage is the Norse God Loki.. someone who Ahania Blacksmith once thought he may actually turn out to himself be himself in historical reality.. but the Voices which curse and damn Ahania Blacksmith's soul insist that Neil Gaiman.. that Neil Gaiman who in a Sandman comic book put the Norse God Loki in an Auschwitz-scenario far, far, far, far worse than any endured or suffered by embeth davidtz as Helen Hirsch in Steven Spielberg's "Schindler's List".. that Neil Gaiman has studied Old Norse and Scandinavian languages and read the Norse Myths in their original texts in their original languages and that he Neil Gaiman has utterly fought the hard fight and payed the good money to attain personal copyright of everything whatsoever that pertains to the Norse Myths.. including Loki.. Ahania Blacksmith himself feels hapless in his rudimentary attempts to learn German vocabulary.. to attain something like a foothold into .. Norwegian.. ?.. - the Norwegian language.. ?.. the Neil Gaiman-committed Voices insist that knowing the Norwegian language will not help at all or have any bearing on the original texts of the Norse myths whatsoever.. scuttling  Ahania Blacksmith's plans to learn modern-day Norwegian and go backwards to ancient Norwegian.. which he honestly felt most likely was the language that Snorri Sturlusen originally wrote the Norse myths... Brian Azzerello is absolutely forbidding Ahania Blacksmith any contact with the Greek God Apollo..

       - more later -

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