
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

.. Mothership - the enigma TNG.. is the official, quintessential music of.. actor John Goodman: ..".. absolutely do not take alcohol with pills.. do not take alcohol when you are taking pills.. now.. hanno previously wrote something where he found he rather conclusively with considerable finality he hanno agreed with Bart Simpson about alcohol like vodka and liquor helping.. these are the words .. 'get that crud into your system'.. 'cogentin is crud.. good crud.. good crud..'.. 'get that cogentin crud into your system'.. 'by drinking alcohol'.. now.. hanno said this really really worked for him.. the two pills he took were two cogentin pills and they had been left for weeks by him without his knowing exposed to the open air.. in no container at all whatsoever.. for weeks they'd been lying like that.. now he felt it was a real miracle that he found them.. and then he took them together with either drinking vodka or liquor almost simultaneously.. now.. and then he finished a whole medium-small size bottle of liquor.. and.. it may have been coconut liquor.. and.. okay.. he said it accomplished something so miraculous for him.. doing that.. the alcohol.. like Bart Simpson said.. the alcohol.. hanno felt.. the alcohol.. 'really burned the cogentin crud into his system'.. now.. it's.. I think it's like he went into he hanno started having seizures awful convulsive seizures before that precisely BECAUSE he had been drinking so much vodka while he was still taking pills.. now he had a seizure because of this.. so alcohol now being the SOLUTION.. when it made him awful horrid horrible sick.. ".. .. .. .. .. it was upon the advice of neurochemistry-time-traveller julian day william stryker alan rickman that hanno left it as it was.. with no kate moss megan d. iseult.. sorry.. real, real, real sorry.. kate moss megan d. iseult..

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