
Friday, August 2, 2019

xtortion audio - Mephisto's lullaby.... the music of Rebecca Pidgeon (Amber Bellucci).. and also of.. Julian Day (Alan Rickman).. Mephisto's Lullabey... the music of.. the.. the pledge.. of Julian Day (alan rickman)...

Julian Day (Alan Rickman):..".. I need to talk to Laine Morninstar… for I have so many intricate, grotesque, literal, physical, insidious nano-bots in my blood.. in my circulatory system.. multiple masses.. masses of nano-bots in my circulatory system.. in my .. blood.. in my.. bloodstream.. that... they are butchering my ability to read.. giving me a truly self-butchering.. self vision-butchering reading impairment.. and they are somehow.. COMMUNICATING .. this butchering reading impairment.. to many, many, many of my closest of friends.. in different countries.. thru the ether eether.. or perhaps... thru something that WOULD be called.. an .. an ethernet..?.. - eeiinnghh…?.... and thereby... I am going to cause the torture of the truly innocent Scandal Savage (Sigourney Weaver).. it was a comic book.. it was a sick, sick comic book that glorified the sadistic torture of a pre-crisis beautiful girl-super-character called.. in pre-crisis days.. "Gunbunny"... but that's all it was.. a comic book... the real Scandal Savage (Sigourney Weaver) cries and cries and wails and cries for poor, poor Gunbunny… I am not.. thru this sickness-reading impairment which I am communicating like it's some kind of air-borne virus.. I refuse to cause.. thereby .. the torture.. perhaps.. by Brazilian authorities.. of the REAL .. Scandal Savage (Sigourney Weaver)… I must.. talk.. to Laine Morningstar..."....

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