
Thursday, December 19, 2019

Alexis Luthor (Michael William Rosenbaum):..".. I thought it would only be two.. two projects.. to massive, leviathan personal projects which I embarked on.. with personal relish for the very salvation of Smallville, Kansas itself... and.. it turned out to be many, many more such projects which I worked on.. many, many other such personal projects.. as opposed to.. the big two.. the big two leviathan projects .. just the big two leviathan- Smalville, Kansas- projects.. just those big two.. it was many, many more such personal Smallville, Kansas- projects which I worked on... and so, so many people in my small-large town of Smallville, Kansas.. heh.. my Smallville-colleagues.. they told me that my projects were actually.. succeses.. instead of the collosal failures every single one of them.. seemed to me.. to be.. to myself... to me.. myself.. and .. finally my biggest, most apocalyptically-collosal personal-project failure was my personal project of just being.. of just remaining.. myself.. like my most collosal-planet-apocalyptic personal failure was.. my failure of the principle of.. "I'm okay - you're okay".. it was my despicable, monstrous personal betrayal of the principle of.. "I'm okay - you're okay".. it was my very arcane- Creatures of Arcadia- brutal, savage slaying of the little-girl-goddess-medusa.. betrayal of.. 'I'm okay, you're okay'.. is that doctor wayne dyer..?.. I think.. is that his name.. ?.. -.. and then.. I shook in the most personal-vile sense I shook myself free of the core of myself.. of the core of .. who I was.. at all.. at all.. I simply, comlexly, staggeringly.. failed.. to remain.. myself.. I stopped being.. myself.. and the selfhood-shattering the leptons - mesons - quarks personal agitating and shaking on those particle-levels the selfhood of oneself free from oneself.. so you are no longer.. yourself... myself.. shaking myself free on quarks-mesons-leptons level shaking myself free of myself down to the very, very core of myself.. and.. black kryptonite- copyrighted to Smallville.. was that.. involved.. ?..."....

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