
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

.. the .. the three-hour.. "The Reflex Jet", written and directed by elmore leonard...

uma thurman: .. ".. the elmore leonard reflex-jet means.. that a select group of 200 or 300 people.. they we all go to the bathroom at exactly the same time.. we all are in the shower at exactly the same time.. our endocrinology is quantum level intricately the same.. so is our digestion and action of our intestines exactly the same at exactly the same time.. we all bend over at exactly the same time because of things that my have by force of elmore leonard reflex jet.. ahhww.. gravity.. things fall on the floor for us all at exactly the same time and we pick things up because we all bend over at exactly the same time.. as you can see.. and we are a special group of intimate, deeply, deeply emotionally beloved intimate friends us 200 or 300 members of the.. awwhh.. reflex-jet society.. awwhh.. as you can see.. the elmore leonard reflex-jet was designed for us as deeply, deeply, deeply insecure people.. also... the elmore leonard reflex jet is supposed to greatly favour the men.. but Hyacinth exists to bring all that to a level playing field.. a young girl named . Hyacinth... ".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3...

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