
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

"Heathers Redux" written and directed by Dana Waters....

Hugh Grant: .."... Hi.. uh.. sorry.. Hi.. I'm Hugh.. I'm actor Hugh Grant.. okay that's done.. whew.. I am not playing a character in this movie, that's clear... right....?.. I am playing actor Hugh Grant in this movie.. called.. "Heathers Redux".. and I'm merely the narrator .. so I'm not technically in this movie.. I'm in this movie in an ostensible sense.. ah.. "ostensible" .. learned what the word "ostensible" meant from I believe the last page of Simon Callow's.. oh wait.. he's not the judge on American Idol.. because that's probably what seems obvious.. he's actually Simon Cal.. wait... sorry.. the Judge on American Idol is Simon Cowell.. the author of a truly excellent biography of Charles Laughton that performs the stone of Sisyphus and gives it the true sword college try at helping actors.. and actresses..?.. most definitely if you want to be an actress in a Lars Van Tiers movie.. ah.. wait.. no.. maybe someday.. but.. models.. I'm reading the sides.. and I read "actors" and the word "actors" looked like "models", like a photographic digital hallucination.. but.. wait.. I'm just.. okay.. a role-model is what actors are if you are Johnny Depp or Daniel Day Lewis.. wait is the amber heard thing over.. for johynny depp rather than Daniel Day - wait.. he was also.. quite concerned... anway.. I'm not sure what when this movie came .. comes out.. of what johnny depp's status is but for the sake of argument i'll say he's a very good role model and when I see the name johnny depp I see.. moss.. kate moss.. model .. no.. johnny depp role model.. as opposed to kate moss role model...

Winona Fan-Handler-Winona-Eloi-accountant entourage.. :.. ".. WINONAAAA!!!... WE'VE GOT TO MAKE THIS MOVIEEE!!!..."

omniscient voice.. voice... :.. ".. Nej.."

Hugh Grant: .. ".. well.. they said ... no .. we're not.. anyway.. we'll give it a go and I hope I'm playing in some movie theatre.. for someday.. for lack sake of argument..  Woody Allen wants to make a Hearthers movie.. now.. a hearth hearth movie.. oh dear. AHH...!!.. yes.. it was prescience.. yes indeedy ladyies and genteelfolk.. they knew someday they're be the movie song.. "Heathens".. a song made famous by the movie "Suicide Squad".. I swear to GOD that's why the movie has always been called.. "Heathers".. it's a very aptly, adroitly.. heh.. winona's acting.. adroitly chosen name.. "Heathers".. for a truly horrific movie project that may very well have it's roots in Chinese Communism.. see.. they still have public executions in China.. and they're were public executions in the original Heathers movie.. and they're were public executions committed by teenagers against teenagers.. executions against teenagers committed by their own kind.. what a thought for Suicide Squad.. movie.. someday.. what a shame they couldn't get the copyright to have the Joker be a character in the first Heathers movie.. because I really believe he did so much to save Suicide Squad from disaster.. wait.. YES, indeedy he most certainly.. Jared Leto most certainly did..

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