
Sunday, April 29, 2018

Natasha Romanoff.. in Age of Ultron... Redux..

Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johanssohn) :..".. ookay... so I am a simpleton complex dynamo-intellection woman seeking my own crucifixion upon the mast of a tank.. a very large tank... "

Wanda Maximoff (Kate Moss) : ..".. ohoh .. boo hooo... meee tooo.. meee tooo..."

Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johanssohn) :..".. I am going to talk to you seriously, with quaint, hardened, hardcore wisdom, Wanda.. I am a voluptuously confidant woman who cries with such gallons of rotund tonnage of wailing weep woe.. that this waterfall of grief which I so sculpturally evince.. is like a planet of uber-confidance that I have.. accrued... like a financial investment in my own most Christ-like.. leapin' Jehosafat.. crucifixion upon the mast of a very large tank in Afghanistan..."

Wanda Maximoff (Kate Moss) :.. ".. but .. bud bud Budweiser-me I am also good at finance.."

Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johanssohn): ..".. most excellent.. I doubt it not, Wanda.. most excellent... I think you have such fractal geometry and such square and triangular angles of autumn leaves to you inwardly, ferociously, savagely inwardly mutant-powers .. Wanda.. that you are so ferociously, rabidly interior in how your consciousness.. operates and functions.. that you would be far too frail physically and spiritually.. to see you Wanda.. tied to the mast of a very large, horrific, terror-tank in Afghanistan..."

Wanda Maximoff (Kate Moss) :.. ".. I have always thought.. however.. that something so much more brutal than a crucifixion is my righteous personal destinty and estates and calling on this earth.. that I must be more brutally than crucified .. just.. sniff.. to be me myself and a treu Northern Ire Wanda.."

Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johanssohn) :.. ".. I hear that Wonder Woman de-evolved into an amoeba after she died in the pre-crisis DC universe.. and that that was the culmination of the career of Diana Prince.. perhaps she.. did that... to help you with your avowed destiny... Wanda.."

Wanda Maximoff (Kate Moss) :.. ".. i'm sure. she did.. Natasha.. sniff... i'm sure she did.. Wonder Woman helps everyone.. even a fractal-waif like my selfsame inward self.."..

scene written by Hanno Jason Leigh for Joss Whedon.. for Hanno Jason Leigh to maybe inherit the name of Joss Whedon himself as a screenwriter...?...

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