
Saturday, December 8, 2018

Alex Dagmar-3 (Hanno Jason Leigh), Dahlerus (Savanna Samson-1, Savanna Samson-2, and Savanna Samson-3).. and Barger (Winona Horowitz Ryder).. of "The Wicked Tesseracts"...

Alex Dagmar-3 (Hanno Jason Leigh):...".. the edge of distinction for logic.. just scrambling words together.. sorry girls.. women.. "

Dahlerus (Savanna Samson):.. ".. girls - girls.."..

Alex Dagmar-3 (Hanno Jason Leigh):..".... it's a logic teme theme.. sorry... gettin' words mixed.. sorry for always saying sorry... I guess.. I do that... it's a logic-team we're kind of building here... with the Wicked Tesseracts.... we are building the highest staircases and skyscrapers of logic with this team.. iron-scraping logic is our team.. "

Dahlerus (Savanna Samson):..".. hehehehheh.. logic.. I like.. logic as function..."

Alex Dagmar-3 (Hanno Jason Leigh):.."... you're like the daintiest nympth-angel.. like a snow-angel you are.. Dahlerus.."

Dahlerus (Savanna Samson):.. ".. heh.. I did snow angels when I was a star little girl... I like being an echo a nympth..."

Alex Dagmar-3 (Hanno Jason Leigh):.."... and echo is a substance of beauty.. and you are.. echo.. Dahlerus.. echo..."

Dahlerus (Savanna Samson):..".. heh.. echo.. echo is me and rhymes with art deco..."

Alex Dagmar-3 (Hanno Jason Leigh):..".. ahh.. yes.. you are echo.. Dahlerus.. and Rainbow Mist Panda Ryder is art deco..."

Dahlerus (Savanna Samson):..".. sniff.. She really scares me.. Rainbow Mist Panda Ryder really, really scares me silly.. I like being silly.. but not that way.. not.. that way..."

Alex Dagmar-3 (Hanno Jason Leigh):.."... Rainbow Mist Panda Ryder frightens me too.. she scares me as well.. she both frightens and scares me.. but that makes her strong and she needs that strength.."...

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