
Saturday, December 22, 2018

Around 3/5th's of the way thru.. "Superman; man of steel; chapter seven", directed by Steven Spielberg... his 21'st Superman movie.. the first fourteen Superman movie's movies are all "Superman; man of tomorrow" movie's .. meaning.. the ..".... tomorrow, tomorrow.. and tomorrow.. ".. speech in Macbeth.. meaning that 14-year old young people now read Shakespeare's Macbeth and clearly understand every word.. and that Macbeth is to fourteen year old girls.. a fan-worship favourite character just like .. Lestat, Tom Hiddleton's Loki, and Sawyer (Josh Holloway)... It all begins with a fourteen movie.. "Superman; man of tomorrow" series.. and then the next seven movies are "Superman; man of steel" movies.. ending with a 19-hour, Steven Spielberg-directed movie masterpiece, "Superman; man of steel; chapter seven".... and 3/5ths of the way thru this movie... "Two Steps from Hell" - Caradhras plays.. beginning with the lullaby music.. accompanying the image of Zoom (Brad Pitt) driving Lois Lane (Victoria Hill) in a mobile home away to safety... saving Lois Lane from sexual torture and brutal rape.. and then.. at the 1 minute, 45 second point of the music.. you see a close-up Roman Profile of Alexis Luthor (Michael William Rosenbaum)... and then at the 2 minute, 30 second point of the music... of Caradhras.. meaning the Decent Lex of the 23rd century.. at the 2 minute, 30 second point.. you see Alexis Luthor in business attire at the far distance end-point of a long green-metal hallway.. a point-of-view shot of the hallway.. and he walks toward the camera.. and then finally at the 3 minute issue #823 Poison ivy pamela isley's horrific guilt about Clayface issue #823 3 minute.. 3 minute point.. you see Alexis Luthor... so hard to imagine visually or spatially or geographicaly conceive of him being underground, deep, deep underground in this cleanly metal-plated lair.. Alexis Luthor is watching a huge TV-screen that fills the whole wall.. a huge wall Television screen.. which is absolutely 100% 1000% a zillion percent indistinguishable from a high-rise business window of Lexcorp.. Alexis Luthor is watching on the wall television / business high rise window ... comets of fire.. streaks of huge fire.. fireballs .. rock-crater-fireballs plummetting to the Metropolis city buildings and streets below.... this is the visual that happens at exactly the three minute point of "Two Steps from Hell" - Caradhras....

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