
Monday, December 24, 2018

.. the ewen bremer Ted Kord always has to be in control.. it's a pathology.. or almost a psychopathology with the ewen bremer Ted Kord....

Ted Kord (ewen bremer):..".. arrogant and stupid - that's me to a tee, all right.. and with absolutely no instinct for self-preservation.. but, yeah, sorry, you know, mon... I gots to be meeee…… and maybe I don't actually care when bad stuff happens to me.. like.. it's not really.. 'bad'.. you see.. and like I deserve it.. and.. like I translate that into saying their's a big picture.. that I'm seein'... mon..."...

Jody Applebaum:..".. and it's the "geez" line.. it's like the one time in my life I was a Ivan Karamazov.. and said.. "geez".. that's become me as the female Deathstroke.. because the male Deathstroke.. he's not that powerful anymore... I saw him running away from Batman in a Concept fan-trailer for "The Batman".. and I'm the most powerful Deathstroke in history.. because I'm a woman.. and the most powerful Deathstroke in history is supposed to be a woman.. a female Deathstroke.. and she's me.. that one few instants of time when I was Ivan Karamazov and said.. "geez".. like all the bad things I did that were me being silly and stupid-silly that was all the bad-me .. see.. and now when I was good-me.. when I was Ivan Karamazov.. THAT is me as the Female Deathstroke.. who can defeat even Alexis Luthor just by saying.. "geez".. and it's serious, it's grave.."..

The 2 minute, 30 second to 3 minute period / duration.... in the above.. "Caradhras" URL.. is the music that is called.. "The Hallway".. in the Alexis Luthor scene in "Superman; man of steel; chapter seven", directed by Steven Spielberg...

.. at the 1 minute, 55 second point in the above URL.. "Caradhras".. is the DC forums post.. "Since When has Superman sunk so low as to steal another Superman's wife..".. I hope it's okay with the brilliant poster of that message on DC forums... if I copy it here...

Their was also the Time Magazine quote in the Table of Contents page of the maybe official Time Magazine issue about the dissolution of the Soviet Union... the quote was something like.. "The Soviet Union is no longer a Great Threat.. and maybe it never was..".. I can't remember the exact quote .. so I'm paraphrasing it.. is that from a 1989 issue..?.. after the Soviet Coup-attempt of the year, 1988....?...

Boris Bergshtein:.. ".. whaaa -...?.. the Soviet Union..?.."...

…. and Scuzz of "D.P. 7" was once going to be.. "The Duke of Disintegration"...

… Harry.. Ted Kord actually IS the Cyclops of the JLI.. for real..

Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck):...".. only one man can stop Vladimir Putin and his madness.. and that man is Lincoln March..."...

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