
Monday, December 24, 2018

I'm Leo...

Leonardo de Caprio:..".. It's Gotti.. it's that I'm not sure.. but I think it may very well have been Gotti.. in respect to whom actor Anthony Quinn said that he knew that Gotti had had a bad time of it in life.. and that he Anthony Quinn felt bad for a man who I really think may have been Gotti.. and he's Anthony Quinn and he played Zorba the Greek when Nikos Kazantzakis really wasn't finished with the novel and was much, much unhappier with his novel of Zorba the Greek than Dostoevsky even was with his novel about Prince Myskin.. and when Dennis Leary from the television show.. about firemen.. sorta.. sorry... not really .. barely at all if even that actually.. called.. "Rescue Me"... if Dennis Leary can play true-to-the-book-Fellowship Tom Bombadil someday.. and Dennis Leary can play Zorba the Greek someday... if Nikos Kazantzakis.. is he conceivably still alive so he can rework and rework and rework.. "Zorba the Greek".. so Dennis Leary can finally play Zorba in a movie...?...

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