
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Jack Nicholson is Jack Luthor, father of Alexis Luthor.. in "Superman; man of tomorrow; chapter fourteen", directed by Steven Spielberg, Sophia Copolla.. and Scorcese... the fourteenth movie of the angelina jolie doris zeul series.. second cycle.. second... sniff.. cycle..

Jack Luthor (Jack Nicholson):..."... Some people will honestly believe it began probably with... Wertham… that the responsibility .. or blame.. lies.. with him... just .. by .. conjecture.. they'll think that.. heh.. heh... I don't personally believe it does.. perhaps it's merely a .. sniff.. phenomenon... I call.. the greed of fame.. and this social octopus craving for this notorious fame of something that is called.. comic books.. it's like.. really, really, REAALLY wanting those comic books.. and what they contain.. and not quite getting.. even that the Mickey Mouse actually written by Walt Disney.. by the man himself.. that that Mickey Mouse was a real Joe Pesci-Goodfella's- style hooligan.. like a little mouse-maniac.. and a cowboy.. and never quite getting that that quintessential sunspot-mite element of.. heh heh… comic books.. goes back even that far back in history.. of the twentieth century.. and The Yellow Kid.. what a bloody little bloodthirsty maniac he was that Yellow Kid.. hahahahhah.. love that little guy.. just .. heh.. love him to bits.. the very first comic book character.. in history.. but what the hell was Hogan's Alley anyway.. it's like.. yeth... Donald Duck was a responsible suburban middle-class father of three duckling-nephews.. so he was the mighty exception to the comic book rule.. of what comic books of the whole twentieth century .. are actually like.. so.. and then they're are superhero comics.. ohiboy.. now we're gonna kotch it all together now.. it .. ohboy.. it has to do with a Golden Age Superman written by Jerry Siegal and drawn by Joe Shuster, drawn almost as a man of very little face... a Golden Age era Superman who believed only in what was right and wrong.. and NEVER in what was legal or illegal... and who saw nary an overlap frequently between the two.. and.. it's like.. so.. the cops didn't like this particular Supes-style of literally taking the law into your own hands shaking philosophy by the tail and deciding fer yer own friggin self what was right and wrong the ol' Golden Age Superman-way.. so teh cops started tryin' ta hunt him down.. in the early comics.. and then their was a Golden Age Batman who was just so gentle and just beautiful to his girlfriend when he held her and said.. "poor kid".. and the mighty fountain of planet Apocolips taht arises out of a gentle soul Batman such as this Golden Age Batman actually is.. like Batman's gentle soul of an Edwardian Prince Amerigo Newland Archer gentleman that this soul was the root of a Hell that grew out of his soul into Gotham City and kept on growing.. this Hell out of a man's soul.. this Hell out of a man's soul.. comic books.. heh.. ahhahahah.. always brings a smile to my face.."

Jack Luthor (Jack Nicholson does this whole speech in the mid-hallway of a synagogue.. in the midst of.. a full congregation...

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