
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Madame epanchin...

Madame epanchin:....".. No.. Batman... is different.. men like Newland Archer, Prince Amerigo, our goodfellow godfellow friend Prince Myshkin here, Merton Densher, Aloysha Karamazov, and Alexis Luthor.. these are all unassailably good men... and sadly .. with the post-crisis reality … the name Lex Luthor came to mean materially a completely different person than .. Alexis Luthor.. the post-crisis Lex Luthor is immortally Lex Luthor now.. as he has been.. as he has been.. and Lex Luthor is still .. a good man.. and he punished himself horrifically for the atrocious murder of Alexander Luthor.. sorry... I'm very, very sorry for mentioning that... the worst thing taht Lex Luthor is supposed to have EVER done.. and Hope.. the .. I can't say the word.. what happened with Hope.. Lex Luthor's bodyguard.. that just CAN'T have happened.. I'm cancelling that... for Lex.. Lex doesn't deserve this.. neither does.. Hope.... his bodyguard.... Lex's bodyguard .. Hope... neither of them.. deserve this... please.. for the love mercy Mary Magdalene.. please cancel .. the Hope.. thing.... with Lex.. his name is Lex Luthor.. for GOD'S sake.. Martin Luther's name means SO much to the name of Luthor.. I wish Nietzsche hadn't .. well.. anyway.. it's Batman... the heroic, infinitely self-sacrificing, infinitely courageous Batman.. it's how unrepentant.. unlike Lex Luthor.. what..?.. he's not..?.. Batman's not..?.. their's an image where something unimaginable had happened to.. to Batman's lip.. I'm.. I'm SORRY.. that's terrible.. I can't repeat such things.. it's  Batman's way of penance .. for the Matt Wagner Faces era.. for that terrible, terrible thing the Jim Starlin Batman did.. that so goes against the moral grain of both of you, Lebyedev and Prince Myshkin.. that is so painful to Lebyedev here.. and Prince Myshkin feels it as an especial heartbreak.. and the Tony Daniels Batman case was SO indefensible taht you could say that the Tony Daniels Batman was a different man entirely, one of the  "bad guys" donning the cowl... and.. I have to lie down.. it's the future of Batman sexually torturing frightened innocent famous female yet female supervillains female malefactors.. Superman's abuse of that beautiful, blond-haired nightclub singer in the first issue of Action Comics issue one.. to come in thte year 1939.. it means something.. it MEANS something for the abuse of .. innocent or guilty yet-guilty frightened women by superhero's.. over which theme William Marston had SO Much to say..."..

Lebyedev was shaking with something that was a hybrid of moral terror and moral courage at the end of hre speecj.. speech../

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