
Sunday, December 2, 2018

Paul Strobe is the Atomic Man.. according to gamespot comicvine...


A criminal who possessed the power to alter the atomic structure of anything he looked at, Paul Strobe let lose terror on Gotham to gain revenge on the men who put him behind bars. As an engineer Paul stole some platinum and gold from his business partners so that he could fund his experiments. However, when he tried to unload the stolen material he was apprehended by Batman and then found guilty. After serving a prison sentence, Paul returned to his secret work and created a device that allowed him to change the molecular construction of any inanimate object he looked at.
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After experimenting with his device, Strobe formed a gang, donned a costume, began calling himself the Atomic Man, and set out to ruin the men he blamed for his incarceration.
Despite his awesome powers, and turning the Batmobile into glass, the Atomic Man was defeated rather easily by Batman.


Strobe himself had no powers but the device he created allowed for significant molecular manipulation. With the device Strobe was able to turn a gun into a piece of paper and make a cruise ship lighter than air. The device was limited by its power requirements and had to be recharged every two hours.

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