
Friday, December 21, 2018

Shayera Hol (Rainbow Mist Panda Ryder) and Hawkgirl (Alicia Vikander)...

Shayera Hol (Rainbow Mist Ryder):..."... As semi-Queen Empress of Thanagaria.. I welcome you with open arms.. Kendra.."

Hawkgirl (Alicia Vikander):.."... do I exist here on Hawkworld… for I feel like an empty space incarnate in the weavery of space and time here..."

Shayera Hol (Rainbow Mist Ryder):.."... how fascinating.. I myself .. perhaps in contrast to you.. Kendra.. feel myself a lump of heavy weight here.. heh.. in Hawkworld.."

Hawkgirl (Alicia Vikander):..".. also.. I feel like.. their is supposed to be a seamless connect between the two of us.. Shayera.. like we're both part of the same DNA Helix... like the two of us are different parts of the same winding staircase... or like we exchange places constantly as the lower and upper terms of the same.. integral..."..

Shayera Hol (Rainbow Mist Ryder):.."... so you are seeking a confusion between yourself and myself .. Kendra.. a deep abysmal confusion... a sleepy hollow where the two of us are a single emptiness..."...

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