
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The five Gotham 11-part Gotham movie.. books...

1 - David Kahn ; German military intelligence during World War II

2- Michael d. Intriligator - econometrics textbook... SUCCESS!!!.. - not failure with this book.. SUCCESS!!! - not Gotham failure with the wondrous economics linguistics of Michael d. Intriligator…

3- issue #823.. poor, poor Pierpont Morgan (Sean Connery)… Ron Chernow's "The House of Morgan".. hey lad, I'm Jack Morgan (Robert downey junior.. someday.. danny DeVito..)..

4- International economic intergration - by author Miroslav N. Jovanovic...

.. wait.. that's only four books.. is their.. a fifth..


5- The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail.. by Baigent, Leigh and Henry Lincoln...

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