
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Victoria Brianne Hill Lois Lane castrates - and it IS possible to castrate a vagina - .. 13 or 17 or maybe it's 19 .. thirteen year old girls who gang-raped.. or if your prefer.. gang-sexually-tortured.. a half-naked, moaning 12-year old boys.. who I could only imagine committed suicide after it happened because the girls then told him they'd tell the 19-year old BOYS.. what HE did.. if he told anyone what happened.. so he was quiet.. and committed suicide.. while they went on to live happy lives.. forever.. quoth the Crow of Time...

The Ben Affleck Batman and the Christian Bale Batman are..

            - DA Boys < - DA Boys!!.. truamp tra-tra traump tramp.. DA Boys!!.. DA Boys!! - ..

.. and the 12-year old boy was just like Chandler on "Friends".... and Julia Roberts could have been just like Elizabeth Hurley in that trailer for that movie Elizabeth Hurley made with Matthew Perry.. and Julia Roberts STILL can't believe she didn't play Lana Lang.. eight years ago... in an eight-hour movie.. instead of a Leviathon 14 or 28 .. 18-hour movie episode lenth.. epic..

… and Julia Roberts was in a tiny bikini in "Pretty Woman".. and she is still very proud of that movie...

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