
Sunday, December 23, 2018

Two Steps from Hell - Caradhras.. Hunter Zolomon and Victoria Hill Lois Lane are no different.. no different at all.. than an.. Irish Daniel Day Lewis..?.. a Daniel Day Lewis of honest irish ethnicity... and a Savannah Samson who is is so young, so very, very young with him.. travelling along mid-west rural America.. thru agrarian America... in the far, far, far, far, far future.. after.. sniff.. video-cassettes have come back.. and all the DVD's have disappeared into the mists of time.. like Loki Morningstar.. just like. sniff... Loki Morningstar.. Scarlett Johanssohn's lover, Joki Morninstar.. sorry.. Loki Morninstar... and.. a Joki Viking.. a Joki Voking.. a Joki Viking.. Loki Morningstar.. and Hunter Zolomon (Brad Pitt ) and Lois Lane (Victoria Hill).. are no different than.. sniff sob.. THAT Irish Daniel Day Lewis and young, far too young Savannah Samson.. Savvy, little Savvy.. and.. they are in Afghani-style Caves in Agrarian America... with oil-lanterns.. lit those caves.. and .. finally.. like in a trailer for the movie of .. Leon Uris's "Exodos".. they are.. mountaineers in mountain-gear scaling a mountain.. Brad Pitt Hunter Zolomon and Victoria Hill Lois Lane are.. to the lullaby opening-music of Caradhras.. of Two Steps from Hell - Caradhras...

Ursa 1(Victoria Hill):..".. and it is my May Welland-pledge.. that Alexis Luthor should be well along in the middle of his tenure as Secretary of State of earth.. under a President no different than President Trump.. when the bombing begins.. when the bombing begins.. so that the bombings of planet earth by Alexis Luthor (Michael Rosenbaum) will be no different than Madeline Albright's heavy involvement in the bombing of Kosovo.. in the NATO bombing of Kososo.. so the two situations will be no different whatsoever.. no different whatsoever.. Alexis Luthor will be Secretary of State when he bombs planet earth.. in Chapter seven.. in Chapter seven... this is my May-Welland pledge.. for I aspire to be .. Ursa 1 the May Welland of Krypton..."...

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