
Saturday, August 3, 2019

Ahania Blacksmith / Society Lex 1 (Hanno Jason Leigh):...".... and perhaps the Marvel comics Loki is so very, very proud and honoured to consider himself... a secondary Loki.. ".. to stand heir to the first... where each second stood heir to the first.. (.. paraphrasing Shakespeare's "Othello"..)... and the Marvel comics Loki may have been so very, very distant from the realm of who and whatness of being the entity-soul-amoeba-soul-quintessence-of-germ-dust of being the Loki of Norse Mythology... that the Marvel comics Loki was perhaps guilty and culpable of only one thing.. to much greed for the knowledge that the purple, violet, crimson red mists of time Loki who dwells in the grey-dungeons of the soul of Ivan Karamazov Loki dwelling in the grey-smog dungeons of the True pre-pagan Land.. of the Giants... and finally.. who is the Leviathan Giant-God.. Utgard-Loki.. Utgard-Loki.....

Loki (Ralph Fiennes):..".. and.. sob sob.. remember how unbelievably, astonishingly, spectacularly, miraculously grateful.. the quintessential underdog-misfit female villain named.. Jocasta.. actually was.. how miraculously GRATEFUL she actually was.. to finally.. at the conclusion of this Avengers Comic Book annual.. (.. was it... the conclusion of.. "The Evolutionary War".. which saw the Mastermind of this treu comic book epic be .. a historical marvel comics personage no less in grandeur and stature than.. the High Evolutionary .. himself.. ?..)… and how astonishingly, spectacularly, miraculously grateful... she .. misfit, outcast female villain.. such a radical outcast female villain named.. Jocasta.. how astonishingly grateful she was.. at the very conclusion of this comic book Avengers Annual... written by Walt Simonson.. to be.. finally.. considered .. a friend and ally of...

              .. the Avengers..

                            .. and maybe … sorta... it was like .. she ..
                                                                                            .. herself..

                                                                                  .. was now herself sorta..
                                                                                                  … herself an Avenger...

                                                                                                                 - too... ?... "

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