
Saturday, August 3, 2019

Track 4 of Vangelis's "Blade Runner" soundtrack .. Track 4 is the music of.... Zelda (Angelina Joli) / Silver age Lana Lang (Scarlett Johansson):.."... Ivan.. Petrovitch.. Karamazov.. is Ivan Petrovitch.. a Karmazov.. is he.. is Petrovitch.. is he.. the other.. Ivan Karamazov.. Ivan Karamazov Petrovitch.. sob sob.. please don't hurt Ivan Petrovitch Karamazov.. please don't hurt me.. he took care of me when I was a child and we went on a long "Fellowship of the Ring"- journey together with all his Russian-soldier compadre's.. like a band of brothers and one sister.. natalia romanova... and zelda.. wishes as a child that from her special realm-universe.. she could have been a sisterly member of this Russian band of brothers.. of which Ivan Petrovitch Karamazov .. was a member.. and this was the childhood and adolescenthood.. of young Natalia Romanova (Scarlett Johansson)..."...

Rebecca Sharpe (Leeza Moss):.. ".. can I tell you about another Ivan.. he's a man in World War II history named.. Ivan Maisky…"..

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