
Thursday, December 5, 2019

Berend Salverda - Duality.. is the music of.. Non (Robert de Niro) and General Zod (Ralph Fiennes).. in the Phantom Zone.. in the Phantom Zone..

Non (Robert de Niro):..".. AUUUUGHHH!!!... I hurt pre-crisis.. I hurt pre-crisis Morgan la Fay.. I hurt her.. I .. I BATTERED her.. !!!.. I brutally battered her.. !!.. sob sob.. why oh why I have ALWAYS been a monster.. even in my early, early, early days of my life on Krypton I was a woman-child-brutalizing monster... a monster.. a monster... General Zod (Ralph Fiennes)… you are so kind.. so compassionate.. by contrast.. so compassionate and.. and.. respectful.. to pre-crisis.. to pre-crisis Morgan la Fay.. in the distance where she resides perhaps in the realm of Australian aboriginal myth.. where Australian succubi's reside... may they be.. those nympth-fairy fragile women of Australian myth... may they be succubi's… ? -  Australian succubi's… I wonder.. sob sob.. if she is one too.. if pre-crisis .. if pre-crisis Morgan la Fay is a succubus.. a . . .. … a beautiful succubus.. the pre-crisis Morgan la Fay...."

General Zod (Ralph Fiennes):..".. I was so CLOSE - I was so close.. so CLOSE.. to being an absolute horror-disaster to the pre-crisis Morgan la Fay.. and then.. the horror .. just magically.. mystically.. it stopped for me.. for me completely.. but not for you.. poor, poor Non.. ever since the days of your infinitely, intricately compassionate Frankenstein's creature.. and the so unjust.. the heinous, humungous injustice of this unfair framing of brutality to rip into your very soul as non Frankenstein's creature... to frame such brutality into your very eviscerated soul as non Frankenstein's creature... that poor woman who... such a savage murder from which she recoverd so well and deftly and from which you.. non NEVER recovered at all.. at all... at all..."

Non (Robert de Niro):..".. and.. and.. sob .. impossible to say.. that is not my only crime against women.. against innocent women.. I have.. committed .. others..."...

in "Superman; man of tomorrow; chapter one", directed by Steven Spielberg and Sophia Copolla.. 1st series.. 1st series.. the white or silver binder movie.. the white or silver binder movie...

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