
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

evil music mix 9 .... is the music of.. pre-crisis Morgan la Fay (Daniella Amavia):...".. they are NOT going to find the original Kylo ren.. in this story of my life that should never have had to be told... in this story of my life that should never have even EXISTED .. they will NOT find the original.. sob sob.. the first... Kylo Ren.. who was substituted for by a true Sir Galahad.. Anarky (Adam Driver).. before it was too LATE.. they will NOT find him.. the young, little boy who was going to be Kylo Ren.. before Sir Galahad Anarky (Adam Driver).. before Sir Galahad Anarky (Adam Driver).. intervened.. they are NOT going to find him... I swear it..".. pre-crisis Morgan la Fay's (Daniella Amavia's) evil music mix 9...

Superman (Brandon Routh):..".. and I saw such emotion.. such alive emotion.... such resonant, rotund passion... in her.. in the pre-crisis Morgan la Fay (Daniella Amavia).. I saw such vulnerability.. such inner wounding in her.. in the pre-crisis Morgan la Fay (Daniella Amavia).. that I immediately held her sacred.. and knew she was the most decent.. the most inwardly decent of women.. the very best of women she was.. was the pre-crisis Morgan la Fay (Daniella Amavia).."...

evil music mix 9 … is also the music of..

Gal Godot (playing herself):..."... I'm .. I'm sorry... i'm so sorry.. I'm not Diana Prince.. I'll never be .. Diana Prince.. i'm sorry.. I'm so sorry... I'm not worthy of being her... at all.. not.. at all.."

Al Pratt (Keanu Reeves):..".. ahh.. well... Gal.. we'll just see about that.. I know how you feel.. I've felt it myself.. this cold, chilling depression about myself.. about who I am.. about who I am not... and will never, ever be.. but.. I dunno.. Gal.. it's you.. it's who you are.."...

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