
Sunday, December 8, 2019

Julian Day (Alan Rickman):.. ".. Talia al Ghul (Megan d. iseult)... Ruby Ryder (Hyacinth Ryder)... i'm going to try to telepathically send you something of my reading that is like.. tectonic-plates of phrase-making.. of phrase-reading.. sorry.. tectonic-plates of phrase-reading... like.. on "tectonic plate".. would be.. ahh.. in fessenden's organic chemistry textbook.. on tectonic plate would be.. maybe .. like.. "cycloalkanes and cyclohexane"... or.. sorry about this.. real sorry .. this may be a bit dangerous.. another tectonic-plate.. would be.. sorry.. "aldehydes and ketones".. another would be.. "geometric isomers / slash / structural isomers".. see.. "geometric isomers slash structural isomers".. like the two kinds of isomers.. oh.. yes.. and then.. a complex overlapping tectonic-plate is.. "... chiral stereoisomers enantiomers optical isomers..."... where all these words.. may very well basically turn out to mean hte the same thing.. the word "chiral".. meaning the same thing as the word.. "stereoisomers"... meaning the same thing as.. "enantiomers".. meaning the same thing as "optical isomers"... all of these things mean.. like.. the word.. "side".. for molecules.. the sides of molecules.. side-by-side molecules.. or opposite-side molecules.. i believe that's it.. okay.. their's more..."...

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