
Friday, December 6, 2019

Really Slow Motion - Leviathan.. is the music of... this conversation.. this exchange between Perry White (George Clooney) and Superman (Brandon Routh)...

Superman (Brandon Routh):..".. it's... Perry.. I think.. Mellissa (Amy Adams).. our friend Mellissa.. who is also in a very powerful way.. Mellissa is also Lois Lane (Amy Adams)… and.. I think she's in terrible danger.. Perry.. look at me .. I'm slouching.. I think they advertised devices on youtube that you attach to yourself to straighten your back so you don't slouch.. by the way.. Perry.. I'm - I'm not... I mean.. I'm not Clark Kent.. Clark Kent is confidant, perky, wide-awake, he speaks with a crisp diction.. I speak... kind of.. like I have marbles in my mouth.."

Perry White (George Clooney):..".. no you don't.. Superman.. no you don't.. you speak clear as day to me.."

Superman (Brandon Routh):.. ".. thanks.. Perry.. it's just.. I think I'm chronically shy .. in an unhealthy way.. whereas Clark Kent is gregarious.. and.... this chronic shyness I have.. I think something horrific is going to happen to Mellissa (Amy Adams)… because I'm so goddamn shy!!… -.. and.. sorry Perry.. sorry.. it's that.. their was an inexplicable, fortuitous confusion of circumstances whereas I ended up in some prestigious Disney Hollywood offices.. and.. I began feeling this pressure in my viscera.. like.. bells... like an empty, grinding bell-chamber in my viscera... and it wouldn't go away.. and it was a horrible feeling of my personal discombobulation... in this Hollywood environment.. and then a phone started ringing.. briiing.. briiiingg… and it deadened my senses.. and their were people around.. but I couldn't even.. my verbal skills failed me utterly... I mean if you want to save Mellissa from horrible danger from the Hollywood system.. what are you supposed to do hypothetically if you're Superman.. I think Superman is supposed to hit people or something.. but I can't go into Hollywood film business offices and just start hitting people and expect to get my way like that.. that would get me arrested.. and I felt so friggin' fargin' HOPELESS.. Perry.. like Mellissa .. I think she's going to be horrifically harmed in the next Star Wars movie.. I think she may play a role just like Captain Phasma.. Perry.. just like Captain Phasma.. and she is horrifically harmed in that role.. and she's frightened.. and I was so useless in those Hollywood Disney offices .. Perry.. I was.. so useless... like I'm just so happy to let this happen .. to Mellissa.. and... I just.. I just... I'm not - Perry.. I'm not happy.. I'm .. I'm horrified.. and look at how I'm talking.. I just -..."...

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