
Thursday, May 7, 2020

.. copy-and-pasted from a website.. i think the name of the website .. is.. historylists... .. Sascha Renzscha is the Norse Goddess Bil.. in the 5 hour, 45-minute, "The Mighty Thor" and the 9-hour, "The Mighty Thor", both movies directed by Lars von Trier, Sophia Copolla .. and Roger Donaldson...

Bil - Goddess of Norse Mythology

Bil is not a goddess like others, but a human girl, adopted by the god of the moon Mani, who rescues her and her brother. She stays alive by eating Iduns apples, which give her longevity, and lives amongst the gods as an equal. Bil is a goddess destined to die in Ragnarok, mostly because she is human and not an actual goddess. She is depicted riding a chariot across the sky, being constantly hunted by the wolf Hati. That is why she is seen in the nighttime sky.

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