
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Joker... The Joker scrawled messages in chalk on the 52 - chalkboard.. for now he has .. 3... three messages.. just three..

Duella Dent is the DC comics version incarnation of Regan Wyngarde.. Regan Wyngarde is a marvel comics character.. Duella Dent is a DC comics character..  they are exact counterparts of each other.. exact counterparts of deep crime of each other.. they are characters out of Poe.. out of Edgar Allen Poe.. both are.. both are..

reuters is yahoo forums : a) a very young Leonardo de caprio could have played Holden Caulfield.. J. D. Salinger's most famous character... b) ... The Joker's favourite book is .. James Joyce's "Ulysses"... James Joyce is the Joker's favourite writer.. a man after the Joker's own heart.. The Joker reads James Joyce's "Ulysses" religiously ... he has read "Ulysses" by James Joyce at least fifty times in repeated, continual re-readings.. c) ... What if.. when they finally do a movie series out of the DC comics book event of 52 weekly issues.. called.. it was a comic book called.. "Countdown".. or .. "Countdown to Final Crisis".. what if when they make a movie franchise series out of that comic book.. the actor who plays the hero of that comic book series, Jimmy Olsen.. is none other than.. Jesse Eisenborg.. Jessie Eisenberg.. Jessie Eisenberg.. Jessie Eisenborg.. as Jimmy Olsen in "Countdown"..

 ... medusa ..

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