
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Superman / Clark Kent is Brandon Routh in George Miller-directed, "Justice League; chapter two"...

Superman: ..".. Diana.. she is a labyrinth of confusion to the wild and willy wonka conspiracies of my mind.. for I followed the JFK conspiracy.. and felt the guilt that comes with feeling that feeling you have of being the ghoulish conspiracy-follower of a personal tragedy.. so I moved on to the conspiracies of Watergate.. and this was a true labyrinth to equal a Diana... I feel somehow like Diana is the Watergate of the Justice League.. and I found Watergate conspiracies so befuddling and confusing and bewildering that .. yes.. these are the three words I think of when I think of Diana.. and she makes my head hurt.. not literally but you know what I mean, Clark.. also.. Diana doesn't have a secret identity like I do and I don't trust that in a woman.. she's like a hoodman blind and she winks at the letter of the law which seems to wink back at her.. Diana has studies the ada programming language which she is trying to convince me unsuccessfully was named after a woman who lived in the 1800's whose name was, of all things, Lady Lovelace and I highly doubt she was the daughter of Lord Byron.. but Diana has these whims and fancies.. also she has studied the work of Douglas a. skoog and Donald m. west and I think they write about anylitical chemistry or some such nonesense like that.. it's like.. also.. she has been trying to study the work of Miroslav Javonic on International economics but she says Batman's classical nemesis Calender Man (Alan Rickman) won't let her do taht so that will have to wait 'till later.. she reads Wallace Stevens too but that's just like her and because she just has to be herself, you know.. Diana, you can be you if you like but why do you have to make me part of it..  I'm supposed to be the Superman of Metropolis and you're the official Diana of Boston.. and if you compare Metropolis to Boston I think you'd find Metropolis the far grander city of the two.. so, anyway.. Diana.. you are a very confusing woman.. and I have simple, straightforward, Arthur Miller values.. I read "All my sons".. and I am just like the hero of that play, a son of justice.. Wonder Woman, where are you getting at.. are you a heroine or a bombshell.. a kitten at work.. or a Hawk and Dove of the Noam Chomsky / Colin Powell variety.. it's like.. anyway.. it looks like we're on the same team, Clark and Diana and I.. so we'll just have to make due.. want some cole slaw, Diana.."

Brandon Routh is Superman in George Miller-directed, "Justice League; chapter two"...

.. multicollinearity .. $1.. heteroskedasticity.. $2.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3.. covariance matrices.. $4... Gauss-Markov Theorum.. $8... Cobb-Douglas Theorum.. $5...

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