
Friday, December 29, 2017

"Star Wars; episode 15; the family of sussurro", directed by Francis Ford Copolla, of the Godfather trilogy....

Romula Romy (Laine Moore) :  .."... I am Romula  Romy... I was on .. I went to Visual Sensations for Women.. on the internet.. for years... for years.. for years.. it is why I had a son.. a wonderous son.. named Everest... Everest Alan.. Everest Alan Moore... who was born from my plagued soul to correct the horror... the true horror of a man named... Night Owl 1... in a work called "Watchmen".. it would be my wonderous son Everest Alan Moore, who would give Night Owl 1.. instead.. the shallowest possible reason for becoming a superhero... to heheh.. heheh.. paraphrase, Citizen Kane, "I think it would be fun to run a newspaper...".. Everest Alan Moore had only the motives of an Adam West Batman Night Owl 1.. he thought it would be fun to be a superhero.. he thought it would be.. physically fun to be a superhero.. Everest Alan Moore wrote that in the very first version of Watchmen that Anakin Skywalker the second, thru with whom I share the ghosliest of lineague ghost-blood ties.. I am Romula Romy (Laine Moore) and I was on Visual Sensations for women.. but it was a ghost-sister who actually biologically gave birth to my wonderous son, Everest Alan Moore, I had thought it was me.. for the purpose of fixing the grave broken clock of my soul and of the broken clock soul of the world.. that to fix these clocks and wooden springs watches was why I had given birth to a man.. a man who came out of my womb like the armoured Athena.. like the armoured Athean.. Everest Alan Moore... it is.. I am glad it was my ghost-blood-sister who instead gave birth to Everest Alan Moore.. I'm very glad... I'm very glad...."...

screenplay by William Mackenzie .. aka.. Hanno Ridal Raudsepp... for Francis Ford Copolla-directed, "Star Wars; episode 15; the Family of Sussurro.."....

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