
Sunday, December 17, 2017

Winona Ryder's "White Queen" / "emma frost" studies Micheal d. intriligator's text on econometrics, exhaustively, like a treu scholar.. she reads his textbook on econometrics.. and re-reads it .. 30, 40 or 50 or 60 or even 70 times..

Savannah Samson's "White Queen" / "Emma Frost" of a true Earth-2 of the Marvel comics Multiverse.. she studies educational psychology.. she studies R. D.  Laing's book on schizophrenia, "The Divided Self" and also R.D. laing's short book, "The politics of experience / the bird of paradise".. she also studies eric berne's books on "Transactional Analysis".. she also reads Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass" and Goethe's "faust", books one and two in both English rhyme and in the original german language.. and she reads Nietzsche in English and in the original german.. and she reads Hegel's "The phenomenology of spirit" / "Die phanomenologie.. (sorry.. not sure if I spelled the word correctly in the original german.. ).. des gheists".. Savannah Samson's Emma Frost reads this text / work of Hegel .. both in English and in the original german.. she studies german.. does Savannah Samson's "White Queen" / "Emma Frost".. of earth 2 of the Marvel universe Multiverse.. Savannah Samson's Emma Frost.. may be "E"mma "F"rost .. with a capital "E" and a capital "F".. and Winona Ryder's "emma frost".. may be emma frost with a lower case "e" and a lower case "f"...

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