
Monday, December 17, 2018

Brandon Routh (Clark Kent):..".. you still don't know.. about the female Rusty's.. Russian women during the estonian war of independance.. but.. they can't have been estonian women.. when I read Mart Laar's book on the Metsavennad.. on the Forest-brothers.. Robin Hoods..?.. I read that they're .. estonian women.. and the first time I read the book years earlier.. I remember reading that it was Russian women.. that the estonian Metsavennad.. they were supposed to have beaten up the Russian men.. and put acorns inside hte.. the posteriors of Russian women after they shaved the Russian women's heads.. and left the Russian women in that state.. because the Russian Women.. were collaboraters with the Soviet Regime.. collaboraters.. Lex.. collaberaters... collaberaters.. that word.. "collaberaters".. a word just like the word.. "ultimate".. or "society".. the word.. "collaboraters".. Lex.. and now.. the same book says these Rusty-victimized women were.. estonian women.. but .. that's.. that's not what I read the first time I read the book years earlier.. when I read that the Rusty-women were .. Russian women... collaberators .. collaboraters with the Soviet.. Regime..."..

.. and Neal Acree's "Nightsong".. the torture-agony of Loki Morningstar...

a young boy with schizophrenia:..".. and then .. when I read this.. and I started listening to "Nighsong" by Neal Acree.. to the sound of the woman singing I started seeing images of sad, stalwart Metsavennad sadly, meaningfully... marching holding gentle guns thru the winter forest.. that's the images I hallucinated.. and then.. I committed suicide... and my Holy Ghost after my death.. wants .. all this.. that happens.. to stop."....

and  Loki Morningstar continued, ".. whatever other filthy lies they tell you.. these Rusty-women are NO different whatsoever than the young victimized boy in the Fourth Story of Visual Sensations for women.. not a particle or iota of difference.. and I heard Rachel from Road to Avonlea talking right now.. but.. I'm sorry.. maybe that's actually .. okay.. maybe sniff.. maybe that's more like Sonja striding purposefully forward in desperation Sonja trying to make absolute coherent sense of hte labyrinth of linguistics and rhetoric and dialectic he's been given to utter.. and the Rusty-women the Russian Women who had acorns put inside themselves.. were left in that state alone in the forest to understand themselves as the villains.. and their heads were shaved by the Metsavennad and the Rusty-Russian-women were understood to be "the villains".. in that state... the villains .. the villains.. the villains.. and the rusty-Russian-women had no other recourse but suicide.. and the Metsavennad to continue thinking of themselves.. after this happened.. as Estonian heros heroes of independence.. of Estonian independence.. from the Soviet Union.. but my father Boris Bergshtein always says.. "Russia".. the "Russians".. instead of the "Soviet union".. "the Soviet Union".. and you can't actually be.. "collaboraters" with Russia or with the Russians.. you can only be collaboraters.. "collaboraters".. with the Soviet Regime.. with.. a Regime..?.. and the Rusty-Russian-women... and now.. sniff.. Rusty-Estonian-collaborater-women... are just like.. the young victimized then-suicidal boy of the Fourth Doris Zeul Story of Visual Sensations for women.."

and after Loki Morningstar had finished his wise speech .. the young boy with schizophrenia's Holy Ghost felt .. rest.. and peace.. for a while.. for a long while..

.. send to Niel Gaiman....

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