
Thursday, December 13, 2018

Diana of Themiscyra (Megan Gale / Megan d. Iseult) in "Wonder Woman III; the ares project", directed by Sophia Copolla and Scorcese...

Diana of themiscyra (Megan Gale / Megan d. Iseult):..".. It's the Globe and Mail.. it's the reporting on the suffering people of Afghanistan that the Globe and Mail did on it's front page.. literally two or three days after.. 9/11... and then .. when the Globe and Mail repoted.. again on its front page on an unspeakable, unimaginable atrocity committed against a young male afghani youth.. because he had stolen.. by a huge Afghani Tank.. that was ordered to crush him.. because he had stolen.. the Globe and Mail reported on this inhuman atrocity.. again .. on its front page.. after 9/11.. after 9/11.. the Globe and Mail must exist.. the Globe and Mail must exist.. but .. by the same yardstick.. or by a less yardstick.. the Globe and Mail must NOT have...

                                                                … a Life section..

                                                                               .. or - what..?.. - wait.. mentally handicapped man living alone in tenement buildings and welfare workers.. - what.. in the Life section of the Globe and Mail.. - what..?..."..

this monologue for Megan Gale and Megan d. Iseult was written by Hanno Jason Leigh. sniff. aka Hanno Ridal Raudsepp.. with grateful, hopeful permission from Jennifer Jason Leigh to use her last name.. this monologue for Wonder Woman for "Wonder Woman III; the Ares project", directed by Sophia Copolla and Scorcese.. Sophia Copolla .. sniff.. of "The Virgin Suicides".. starring Kristen Dunst and Josh Hartnett...

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