
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Rogue is Savannah Samson in Scorcese-directed, "The Uncanny X-men"....

Rogue (Savannah Samson):..."... I feel.. like a winter depth centred my soul entire... "

Havok (Hanno Raudsepp):..".. you have.. such endless winter sadnesses .. Rogue.."

Rogue (Savannah Samson):..".. I feel like.. I have them.. with you.. Havok.."

Havok (Hanno Raudsepp):..".. I think.. the .. my actually.. BEING you... Rogue.. is such a cannibilizing force of BEING someone.. that I can't tell myself apart as a male being.. as Rogue.. as you.. as you.. Rogue..."

Rogue (Savannah Samson):.. ".. oh - oh - oh... I'm talking just like Blanche Dubois in "A Streetcar named Desire" right now.. oh - oh - oh..."

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