
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Talia al Ghul was born a castrated child from a genetically-engineered womb... bio-engineered by her father, Ra's.. al Ghul...

Talia:.. ".. I am Talia.. and I was born from a plant-symbiote womb which castrated a red-pyrple gash wound into my pubis in my fetal birth .. a castration upon my fetal pubis perpetrated within the womb.. by the Batman... by Batman... and this castration of fetal Talia by Batman gave me life.. for it was an honour-wound... and it was a signature of honour.. and it healed right away by the chemistry of Post-crisis Latter-day LEX LUTHOR.... who had sent his chemistry into the distant past to meet my young father Ra's al Ghul... and Lex Luthor was very sad that this had to be my birth... but he sent healing plant-microbe antidotes and ducts and healing vapours.. and he was very sad about the Batman.. but he knew many things in the future... including young 18-year old Diana of Themiscyra's destiny in her 18th-year to mug a juvenile delinquent or juvenile non-delinquent in an alley … time and time again as her birth and future history played out.. and her young years played out.. rinse-and-repeat.. and my history and young Diana of Themiscyra's history. the twain of us.. met..."...

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