
Sunday, December 16, 2018

The betrayal of Ahania Blacksmith / Society Lex 1 (Hanno Jason Leigh) by Hunter Zolomon (Brad Pitt) in "The Flash; the fastest man alive", directed by Robert Zemekis and Dennis Hopper....

Hunter Zolomon (Brad Pitt):..".. I've got a confession to make.. Wallace..."..

Wally West (James Marsden):..".. shoot.. Hunter.."

Hunter Zolomon (Brad Pitt):.. ".. I'm not actually F. B. I.. not even a little bit.."

Wally West (James Marsden):..".. yeah.. I kind of figured.."

Hunter Zolomon (Brad Pitt):...".. I'm actually a famous-as-fuck movie star.."

Wally West (James Marsden):..".. yeah.. I heard about those movie productions going down like the Titanic.."

Hunter Zolomon (Brad Pitt):..".. yeah.. those were my movie projects.. and.. it's like.. wait.. heh.. Ruby Ryder-Lamont.. she cracks me up kind of like how she's the reverse-Zoom... in this exact, perfectomundo respect... and .. wait.. what - just.. yeh.. it's bad.. it's Chris.. it's bad.. Christ is bad.. Chris is very bad.. he's toxis… Chris is a malign, metastatic tumour.. that's what Chris is.. just like me.. "

Wally West (James Marsden):..".. what about Patrick.. Patrick is the one who told Ahania about you Hunter.. he warned Ahania about Hunter Zolomon.. and then .. Patrick is a monster isn't he.. Patrick Elliot "eel" o' brian is truly monstrous.."

Hunter Zolomon (Brad Pitt):... ".. yes.. I know that now.."

Cathy Kane (Savannah Samson): - in a different State of the U. S. .. talking thru the Medusa Creature Commando's Satellite-Sonar network -.."... yes.. yes.. I've felt it a long, long time.. though I love him Patrick well.. - (with firm conclusion).  Yes."

Hunter Zolomon:..".. Patrick has known this a long time.. I know that now..."

Wally West:.. ".. it's when Patrick plays the part of the hero in a Jim Sheridan-directed movie.. and he can't even say to the public that he would play that same exact, precise character in a super-hero role.. and instead everyone gets away with saying that he Patrick would find an idea like that repulsive.. yes .. Patrick is a monster.. and he is going to do something.. horrific... just like Hunter Zolomon with his allegiance to the cruel Talkbackers on Hannibal Leach's "Cool News" web-network.. Bruce Willis has to sever all his ties to this network.."

actor Bruce Willis:.. - somewhere else - .. "Yes.. Jesus H. Christ .. I HAVE to..."

Hunter Zolomon:.. ".. so "

Linda Park at home in Connecticut:.. "... these monstrous talkbackers caused the .. my miscarriage of my two unborn babies.. and Hunter Zolomon has an allegiance with these monstrous talkbackers.. so he is not guiltless of this..."

Hunter Zolomon:..".. so the plan is.. I get the electric chair.. Ahania Blacksmith and Julian Day rescue me from the electric chair.. I threaten Linda Park's next unborn child.. she's pregnant again.. and then Ahania Blacksmith blows my brains out with a Walther P-38..."

Wally West:.. ".. and if Amanda Waller says Walther means Waller... then Ahania Blacksmith will shoot her Amanda Waller with his Walther P-38.. and Ahania Blacksmith will blow away every single talkbacker on "Cool News" taht he finds personally offensive with his Walther P-38 and he'll let the innocent talkbackers live and flourish.. and.. also.. he's already telling me that Marty Scorcese said nothing wrong in his role in "Taxi Driver".. that Time Tovarich Time happened with everything Marty Scorcese said in the taxi cab to Robert de Niro in "Taxi Driver".. and Scorcese did nothing wrong.. said nothing wrong whatsoever in that movie... and that's what Ahania Blacksmith feels right now..."

.. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley   stochastic disturbance terms.. $3... $5.. Cobb-Douglas Function.... Simone Bianchi Poison ivy Monica Bellucci Simone Bianchi Poison ivy... $5.... Angelina Jolie Simone Bianchi Niel Gaiman Dave McKean Poison ivy Pamela Isley... $5.. Cobb-Douglas Function....

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