
Saturday, December 15, 2018

The conversation between a young Clark Kent (Brandon Routh) and the Holy Ghost - image of Non.. in the Fortress of Solitude.. in the Arctic...

Superman (Brandon Routh):..".. it's like.. it was so comfortable.. such a comfortable life being Superboy.. and I met a young man my own age.. maybe exactly my age.. to a year.. who was not living such a comfortable life as I was living.. as Superboy.. Non.."

Non (Robert de Niro):..".. ahh.. our Aloysha Karamazov .. heh.. he enters teh fray of Saint Petersberg Smallville.."

Superman (Brandon Routh):..".. and.. I'm still in the Superboy costume right now .. se.. see.. non.."

Non (Robert de Niro):..".. and I am in the serious gravestone-black costume of a Phantom Zone Villain.."

Superman (Brandon Routh):.. ".. and.. I thought.. as soon as I stopped being Superboy.. and graduated to becoming that sinister thing called.. a man.. I'd become a villain.. like a Super.. a super .. man.. would by definition be .. a villain.. that's why I was so relieved.. Non.. when you said you yourself were a phantom zone villain..."

Non (Robert de Niro):..".. Nietzche's Superman.. hah .. ahhhh…."

Superman (Brandon Routh):..".. and I always thought.. that Nietzsche's Superman.. might be a man like none other than.. Sir Jack Falstaff..."

Non (Robert de Niro):.. "... whahat..?.. hahahhaahh.. I like that Clark.. brilliant, simpley… or rather.. complexly.. brilliant … Nietzche's Superman is Falstaff.."

Superman (Brandon Routh):..".. and Nietzche said we must .. learn.. LEARN to laugh...and do an .. ahh.. an educated laughter.. and their are so many breeds and species.. and .. h eh... colonies of laughter.."

Non (Robert de Niro):.. ".. heh.. colonies of laughter..."

Superman (Brandon Routh):.."... and.. non.. so much laughter is such a poor, meek fair-wheather friend.. and Nietzche is saying that you might go to the university of good laughter.. of honest, BrewBarret beer laughter.. sorry.."

Non (Robert de Niro):.. "... - what..?.. sorry.. Clark.."

Superman (Brandon Routh):..".. I was just quoting Finnegans Wake.. in a way I honestly don't understand.. one of it's enigmatic words or puns or puzzle fragment collations of words or phrases.. non.. was their a James Joyce on Krypton.."

Non (Robert de Niro):..".. ahh.. Clark.. the James Joyce of Krypton was in fact a woman... she was … teh second Ursa.. a brilliant, powerful linguist.. and she merged Kryptonian linguistics with bacterial culture.. and she did benign experiments between plants and words.. and we called her... Ursa Two..."

Superman (Brandon Routh):...".. non.. I feel such especial heartbreak over Ursa One.. I feel like my soul is so frail and could shatter into a billion pieces over the destiny of Ursa One.. Ursa Two.. I don't .. worry .. about her.. as much.."

Non (Robert de Niro):..".. ahh.. Ursa One.. Clark.. she loved you.. she felt you were the beloved Christ personage of Krypton.."

Superman (Brandon Routh):..".. Ursa One.. so she definitely knew me when I was a child on Krypton.."

Non (Robert de Niro):... ".. Lara wanted to make Ursa One your godmother .. Clark.. Lara was in true awe of Ursa One.. of her statesmanship.. also.. Ursa One.. it's kind of like she was the Governer-General of Krypton.. like she.. Ursa One.. was the Vincent Massey of Krypton.. but.. I'm sorry.. Pa Kent told you.. didn't he.. that the office of the Governer General had no connection to.. politics.. and of course.. you had READ the memoirs of Vincent Massey and you knew that nothing could be more untrue.. Clark.. it's hard to disagree with your elders when you are in the right.. "

Superman (Brandon Routh):..".. I wonder what he meant.. when he said that the Governer-General of Canada had no connection to Canadian politics.. he must have meant something deep and historically true about that.. maybe that WAS once the reality of Canada.. maybe it once.. was.."

Non (Robert de Niro):.. "... ahhh… Clark.. Ursa One talked exactly like you about things.. so philosophically and diplomatically.. always seeing both sides of the argument.. "

Superman (Brandon Routh):.. ".. if Ursa Two.. was James Joyce.. of Krypton.. was Ursa One.. Virginia Woolf or Violette le Duc of Krypton.."

Non (Robert de Niro):.. ".. ahh.. so astute of you to say that.. Clark.. and of course.. you're right... she was.. ah- Ursa One was both .. female authors of earth.. as you say.. Clark.. she was.. both..."

scene written by Hanno Jason Leigh.. for "Superman; man of tomorrow; chapter one", directed by Steven Spielberg and Sophia Copolla.. but perhaps Raging Bull director himself.. Marty Scorcese.. could work extensively with  Robert de Niro on this scene.. Hanno Jason Leigh .. with grateful, hopeful, benevolent permission from beautiful, astute actress.. Jennifer Jason Leigh.. to employ her last name.. in my actor's and screenwriter's name...

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