
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Fringe element - Aurora.. by Mark Petrie... is the music of.. Thomas Blake:..".. - Blake.. ? -.. I'm Blake.. ?.. but their's only one Blake and I know who he is.. and.. I'm reading a very, very, very different Gospel of Saint Thomas excerpt in this introduction area.. before the introduction to a book by R. D. Laing.. and this seems like a very, very different Gospel of Saint Thomas than the one.. on the internet.. - what.. ?.. "...

Fringe element - Aurora.. is the music also of..

…. Harry.. Harry Knowles... I want to say why I could never have played Hal Jordan.. it's because Geoff Johns.. on the internet.. he said it wasn't Guantanomo at all.. and then he called Hektor Hammond a creep.. and said that Hal Jordan was entirely justified in battering Hektor Hammond.. I could never have played Hal Jordan after that.. also... do you know that animation of a truly horrific punch that Hal Jordan.. two horrific punches that Hal Jordan is inflicting upon.. Hektor Hammond.. ?.. with the exactly timed to the horrific punches the words.. "HAL!!! JORDAN!!! ".. I could NEVER have played Hal Jordan..

 .. Harry Knowles.. I just KNOW that Ryan Reynolds watched documentaries about Gauntanomo.. and that therefore he did a scene in Martin Campbell's "Green Lantern" movie where he himself HAL Jordan was in Gauntanomo… was exactly in Guantanomo circumstances.. on OA... it was a very serious movie.. it was..


              … also.. Ryan Reynolds I think he told me that he did .. something.. where they put Cynthia Belleview in a Guantanamo prison for her to be a victim of Guantanamo-torture.. and he said that the image of himself Hal Jordan in Gauntanamo on OA.. was himself merged bodily somehow.. inscrutably.. impossibly.. with Cynthia Belleview...

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