
Friday, July 17, 2020

.. holy spirit silver age lana lang (scarlett johansson):..".. i'm thinkinng of two subjects.. the first is.. Cold Springs Harbour.. how Cold Springs Harbour is TERRIFIED of .. of eugenics.. and of.. Carnegie.. of the century-long legacy of Carnegie.. the second.. very serious subject I'm thinking of is.. the Muslims.. how in Muslim states .. people who stole.. called thieves.. were supposed to.. perhaps... even.. in the recent modern-day.. were supposed to.. have had their hands chopped off.. as punishment.. maybe just.. one hand.. or.. or both.. ?.. - and how the muslims said.. if these are muslim states in which this happens... and if it is a muslim regime which declares such a brutal, satanic, horrific medieval Inquisition against.. theft.. and against.. those who steal.. if it is Muslim Regimes.. a Muslim.. agenda.. that is doing this.. it means that in the 21st century.. it must be the Muslims who are.. the renegades.. it must be the Muslims who are.. the criminals... the ultra-criminals.. the ultimate criminals.. of the 21st century.. that it must be the Muslims who are demonized.. utterly, utterly demonized.. even.. even bestialized.. in the 21st century.. and their are many, many, many wise and sage Muslim thinkers..."...

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