
Thursday, July 9, 2020

.. I'm frightened of losing this.. I'm truly frightened of losing this.. I'm thinking of how wonderful and beautiful-soul my father Andres Raudsepp was about how remorseful.. even remorseful.. even remorseful.. he felt that he could not afford the 80 dollar shipping for a German-translation copy of Henry James's novel "the Wings of the Dove".. "die flugel .. die / das /... von.. (?)... Taub".. Flugel / Wings.. Taub / dove... thru addall.. because the book was in.. the U. K.. and how unhappy he even my wonderful father Andres Raudsepp how unhappy he even was vocally with himself that he could not afford the shipping costs for this book.. thru addall.. and.. or maybe.. addall was only the intermediary... and it was .. thru another book-selling internet agency.. and... then.. I'm thinking.. now.. that chapter three of Gareth Williams's textbook of "Linear algebra.. and applications".. chapter three ... of this textbook.. chapter three.. is issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss.. and chapter three issue #823.... is determinants... determinants... and means.. that pamela isley.. proffessor pamela isley (kate moss) .. is an expert-scholar in the mathematical field of determinants.. in "Gotham; chapter one- the murder of Vesper Fairchild", directed by Tim Burton and Geoffrey Wright... $3... stochastic disturbance terms... paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss... stochastic disturbance terms... $3....

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