
Thursday, July 9, 2020

.. it's that Jennifer Jason Leigh in "The Hitcher".. happens with Hanno Raudsepp and Christian Bale playing the same person... in the "Gotham" movies.. because Hanno Raudsepp can't humanly be .. or remain .. the person who said what he said.. about John Byrne .. about Geoff Johns.. about Brian Michael Bendis.. about Emilio Estevez.. and about so many.. so many.. so many.. Talkbacker-voices... $3... stochastic disturbance terms... paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss... stochastic disturbance terms... $3...

Hanno Raudsepp: ... ".. look.. assholes... Jennifer Jason Leigh in 'The Hitcher'.. is a lot bigger.. than Christopher Reeve in 'Superman III'... and as I type this I swear before I've even submitted this.. as I type this you asshole-voices are saying that Christopher Reeve was planning something a lot bigger than 'Superman III' ... and as I walked away from the computer.. I walked back.. the voices said.. '.. a lot bigger than anything you can comprehend.. Hanno Raudsepp...'...".....

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