
Friday, July 10, 2020

Kate Kane (Hillary Swank).. who are.. the Vendurrid.. who is.. Andrus Loorits.. wait.. Andres Loorits.. ahh.. he is Andrus Loorits... Andres Raudsepp.. on.. kurb.. ta tunneb.. kurb.. he is.. sad.. he feels.. sad.. he wanted me to remember.. that his name.. my friend.. the name of the friend of Hanno Raudsepp.. was.. Mat Matso.. I kalled... sorry.. called him.. Mati.. his name is.. Mat Matso.. with an.. aa.. like an a with two dots above it.. his first name pronounce.. Mat.. like an a with two dots above it.. Mat.. Matso.. the a in Matso.. without two dots above it... more like.... an .. o...

.. Marga Anto and Andres Raudsepp.. are very, very sad.. kurb.. about the Hundud.. but perhaps it was.. all.. all that arduous time with the estonian scouts.. it was all about finally making sure.. Hanno Raudsepp had an assured, established place.. with tenure.. with..

          .. The Vendurrid...

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