
Saturday, July 11, 2020

.. the music that begins at the three minute 30 second point.. at the 3 minute 30 second point... of evil music 10.. of sob sob. . of sob sob sob.. of evil music 10.. the music that begins at the 3 minute 30 second point of.. evil music 10.. is teh the quintessential, official music of.. the Joaquin Phoenix Joker talkbackers:.. ". ... aww.. you know who we are... was the beautiful character of caliban.. sob sob.. of caliban.. in Shakespeare's 'The Tempest'.. sob sob.. that's who we are.. that's who we are..."....

.. the music that begins at the six minute point.. at the 6 minute point.. of evil music 10.. is the quintessential, official music of..

the Joaquin Joker talkbackers:..".. Hanno.. you haven't read Shakespeare's 'The Tempest' since eleven years ago .. in the year 2009.. we'll help you.. we'll read the play thoroughly and exhaustively.. we'll cast the play.. for the movie.. for the movie directed by Peter Jackson.. of 'Lord of the Rings'...?.. - we'll cast the movie.. Hanno we'll cast the movie.. "...

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